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Doctoral Studies

Equipping and
Training Leaders.

The doctoral study programs of MBTS equip and train leaders for the church. They provide a high level of professional competence for ministry in the local church, the marketplace, and the academy.

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Using an American and European blend of structured and independent research, residency requirements are achieved through week-long seminars that may be augmented by online and supervised instruction.

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Whatever doctorate you’re pursuing, we offer multiple concentrations. And because all of our doctoral programs are modular, you don’t have to leave your current context to prepare for greater ministry impact.

Rolling enrollment and
year-round admission.

With monthly payment options and applications accepted year round, your training can begin with ease at any time you’re ready.

You don’t have
to relocate to study.

Our doctoral programs are designed around intensive seminars, meaning that students have no need to interrupt their personal and ministerial lives to move to Kansas City. Most seminars require one week (Monday-Friday) on campus, along with extensive work outside the classroom.

Some of the most affordable tuition rates.

Our doctoral tuition rates are very competitive, starting at just $9,700.

All Doctoral Programs

We've Expanded our PhD Program!

We’ve recently restructured our PhD offerings, tailoring our degree titles to your unique discipline and area of study. Students can now earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree in: Biblical Studies, Theological Studies, or Applied Theology.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Biblical Studies

Our Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Studies is an advanced research degree preparing students for teaching and research in theological schools, colleges, and universities, as well as for the scholarly enhancement of ministerial practice.

PhD, Biblical Studies
PhD, The Residency

  • Standard Program
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament
  • Biblical Theology

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Theological Studies

Our Doctor of Philosophy in Theological Studies is an advanced research degree preparing students for teaching and research in theological schools, colleges, and universities, as well as for the scholarly enhancement of ministerial practice.

PhD, Theological Studies

  • Systematic Theology
  • Historical Theology
  • Ethics
  • Preaching

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Applied Theology

Our Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Theology is an advanced research degree preparing students for teaching and research in theological schools, colleges, and universities, as well as for the scholarly enhancement of ministerial practice.

PhD, Applied Theology

  • Biblical Counseling
  • Apologetics
  • Leadership
  • Missiology
  • Ecclesiology
  • Biblical Spirituality

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Doctor of Education (EdD)

The Doctor of Education degree program prepares students for the advanced practice of Christian education and educational leadership in the academy, the local church, and in other denominational settings.

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Master of Theology (ThM)

Our Master of Theology is offered to enable students of substantial ability to continue academic research.

ThM, Standard

  • ThM, Pedagogy
  • ThM, Research Languages
  • ThM, Applied Theology
  • ThM, Practical Theology

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Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Our Doctor of Ministry is an advanced degree preparing students for leadership in local churches and denominational service. Ministers seeking growth in competencies, spiritual vitality, and character will greatly benefit from the professional doctoral degrees offered through Midwestern Seminary.


  • DMin, Standard (non-emphasis)
  • Apologetics
  • Biblical Counseling
  • Church Revitalization
  • Ethics
  • Expository Preaching
  • Leadership (Available fully online)
  • Missions
  • Worship Leadership
  • Ministry to Women
  • Military Chaplaincy

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Doctor of Educational Ministry (DEdMin)

Our Doctor of Educational Ministry program is a professional doctorate designed to advance theologically competent leadership in a global context by equipping students with greater knowledge and skill sets that integrate the study of theology, education and discipleship for advanced ministerial and educational practice.


  • Worship Ministry

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International Degrees


미드웨스턴의 유학생 서비스 사무국(International Student Services Office)에서는 유학생 여러분들이 실천적 복음주의 신학의 수준높은 강의를 한국어로 수강할 수 있도록 유학생활을 돕고 있습니다. 더 알아보기


国际学生服务处为中西部的国际学生提供信息和服务,支持他们成功的教育经历和精神成长。 学到更多

Estudios en Español

La Oficina de Servicios para Estudiantes Internacionales atiende a los estudiantes internacionales al proporcionar información y servicios que respaldan su experiencia educativa. Aprende Mas

Studii în limba română

Biroul de Servicii Internaționale de Studenți servește studenților internaționali prin furnizarea de informații și servicii care susțin experiența lor educațională. Aflați mai multe
About Midwestern Seminary

We serve the church by Biblically educating God-called men & women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

Upon coming to Midwestern, you will be equipped for life and ministry by an esteemed faculty who care not only about your studies but about your personal spiritual development.

Our academic programs include the dual major track, which focuses first on the study of God’s Word, and then branches out to professional training emphases such as business, psychology, music, and humanities.

You will leave here prepared to proclaim the gospel in any setting, across the street or across the world.

Student Stories

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We would love to help you become equipped for the Church. Please fill out this form so that we can get the right information into your hands and keep you up to date on the happenings of the school.