Consumer Information
All institutions participating in Federal Student Aid Programs are required to notify enrolled and prospective students and prospective employees about consumer information. You have the right to review the following information in each document below. To request a printed copy of the entire Consumer Information Guide, contact the Financial Aid Coordinator or the Director of Financial Services at the Kansas City campus during regular business hours (M-F, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
In carrying out their assigned responsibilities, many offices at the institution collect and maintain information about students. Although these records belong to the institution, both institution policy and federal law accord students a number of rights concerning these records. The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) establishes the rules and regulations regarding access to and disclosure of student records.
To fulfill FERPA requirements, the institution has established Policies on Student Records. These policies outline a student’s rights regarding his/her records, where records about the student may be kept and maintained, what kinds of information are in those records, the conditions under which the student or anyone else may have access to information in those records, and what action a student can take if it is believed that the information in his/her record is inaccurate or that the student’s rights have been compromised. The policies on student records are published by the Registrar’s Office.
Because the institution does not maintain all student records in one location, each office that maintains student records is required to develop a written statement of its policies and procedures for handling those records; these statements are available for students to examine in the respective offices. In addition, copies of the institution’s policies on student records and the pertinent federal law, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), are posted in the Registrar’s Office.
Facilities & Services for Disabled Students
Disability Services at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary – Policy and Procedures Statement
(Updated May 8, 2017)
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Midwestern Baptist College, SBC, adheres to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This Act says that no qualified individual with a disability will, by reason of such disability, be excluded from reasonable participation in, or be denied the benefits of, its services, programs, or activities or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity. Similar obligations are found in Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Midwestern complies with federal and state law. The definitions of terms used in this document are intended to be consistent with the definitions set forth by the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act.
General Policy on Academic Accommodations
Students with disabilities are expected to master the fundamental skills and knowledge that are required for their course of study. Students should not expect Midwestern to excuse them from requirements that are difficult, nor to provide unreasonable accommodations but rather should take the necessary steps to ensure that they are getting the help they need to enable them to meet the program’s requirements.
Disability – Federal law defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual, a record of such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.
Qualified Individual with a Disability – The term “qualified individual with a disability” means an individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable modifications to rules, policies, or practices, the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, meets the essential eligibility requirements for the receipt of services or the participation in programs or activities provided by a public entity. The student must have a document proving that they have such a disability. MBTS may not provide accommodations for a disability beyond the institution’s capabilities.
Throughout the rest of this document, the term “student” is assumed to mean “qualified student”.
What does ‘adequate documentation of a disability’ mean?
Documentation of a disability means providing information about the person’s disability from a qualified professional and it has two purposes:
- To verify that the individual has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more life functions.
- To substantiate that the impairment/condition currently requires modifications, academic adjustments or services in order to compensate for or accommodate the disability.
Who can provide the documentation?
Documentation must be from a professional source who is qualified to diagnose or make determinations about the disability. For example, hearing impairment requires a copy of an audiogram from a licensed audiologist. Learning disabilities require a recent psychological evaluation by a psychologist or physician. Students are responsible for providing current adequate documentation (High School IEP’s are not accepted for college or seminary). Midwestern has the right to request further information from the student if what is presented is insufficient. Documentation must be on professional letterhead, and include the diagnosis and current status of the disability as well as the professional’s name and credentials.
What are the essential elements of disability documentation?
- The Credentials of the Evaluator: Documentation should be provided by a licensed or otherwise properly credentialed professional who has undergone appropriate and comprehensive training, has relevant experience, and has no personal relationship with the individual being evaluated. The professional diagnosing the disability/condition must be qualified to make the diagnosis of the disability/condition. (e.g., an orthopedic limitation might be documented by a physician, but not a licensed psychologist).
- A Diagnostic Statement Identifying the Disability: Documentation should include:
- a clear diagnostic statement that describes how the condition was diagnosed,
- information on the functional impact,
- the typical progression or prognosis of the condition, and
- the necessary information to support the need for accommodations.
Procedures for Requesting Academic Accommodations
If a student is seeking effective auxiliary aids for a current disability, the student is responsible for providing the Student Development Office with timely and adequate documentation of the student’s disability. Acceptable documentation is a necessary prerequisite for proper evaluation of the reasonableness of a proposed accommodation or proposed modification to the rules, policies, and practices of MBTS and MBC. The Student Development Office can provide the student with guidelines for acceptable documentation of a disability.
Once the proper documentation is received, Midwestern will verify that the individual has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more life functions and then substantiate that the impairment/condition currently requires modifications, academic adjustments or services in order to compensate for or accommodate the disability.
It is the student’s responsibility to initiate consideration for accommodations relating to course or degree requirements. The student needs to discuss any problems they are having with requirements (degree or course) with the Student Development Office. Based on appropriate documentation and discussion with the student regarding past experiences, the Dean of Students Office will decide if accommodations are warranted and what accommodations should be recommended.
If you need further information, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 816-414-3700.
Institutional Information
Accreditation Information
Students may review copies of documents regarding entities that accredit, license, or approve the institution and its programs. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Higher Learning Commission, 30 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2400, Chicago, IL 60602-2504. Tel: (800) 621-7440. Contact the Institutional Effectiveness Office to review the accreditation documents at (816) 414-3700. Further information is available here.
Student Body Diversity
As a community of faith and learning shaped by the Word of God, we stand firmly committed to the Great Commission task of making disciples of all people (Matt 28:19). This deeply shapes our view of diversity and the nature of developing a healthy community of learning:
- We believe that God created all humans equally and that, according to Scripture, there is one, human race (Gen 1:26-27; Acts 17:26) in need of the redemption of the cross, the ultimate solution to humanity’s sinful condition (BF&M I, III);
- We believe that God is calling together for himself one people from every tribe and nation (Rev. 5:9; BF&M VI, XI);
- As a result, we believe every life is sacred and is of equal and immeasurable worth, and made in God’s image (BF&M III);
- The telos of redemption is a multi-ethnic people of God that worships in eternity at his throne. (Rev. 7:9; BF&M VI, X).
Consequently, diversity is a kingdom value that reflects our commitment to loving all people knowing God created each of them in his image. As such, diversity should be expected within our community. As students participate in our educational programs, we seek to cultivate an environment that facilitates understanding and mutual edification in a God-honoring fashion (BF&M XII, XV).
We continue to work and build partnerships with congregations, ministries, and educational networks globally who share our commitment to the Word of God and reaching the world for Christ in accordance with our mission to be “For the Church” and “For the Kingdom” (BF&M XIV).
Descriptions of Academic Programs
Information on the institution’s academic programs, degree offerings, and plans for future programs is available here.
Instructional Facilities and Labs
Information on the institution’s instructional facilities is available from the Student Development Office. Also click here for information on library resources at the institution.
Information on the institution’s faculty and instructional personnel is available at here.
Transfer Credit Policy
Two-thirds of the credits required in a MBTS degree may be granted on the basis of transfer credits. To be considered for transfer credit, courses must meet the following requirements:
- The course must be equivalent in content and requirements to courses in the Midwestern catalog
- The course must meet a Midwestern degree requirement
- The student must have a recorded grade of C- or higher for master’s and B or higher for doctoral transfers
- When MBTS determines it will accept credits applied to other graduate degree programs, shared credits between the degrees may not exceed two-thirds of the degree receiving those credits.
Qualified U.S. military chaplains admitted to Midwestern’s DMin program may request the transfer of up to 12 credit hours toward the DMin degree for military training in such areas as Chaplaincy Officer Basic Course, Chaplaincy Officer Advanced Course, and/or ILE/CGSC training. At least one third (10 hours) of the 30 hours required for the DMin degree must be completed at Midwestern.
Normally, only credits earned at Council of Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) recognized schools will transfer. Graduate students transferring from unaccredited institutions (an institution of higher education that is not accredited by a regional or institutional accrediting agency recognized by CHEA and/or the U.S. Department of Education) may validate transferable master’s level coursework with EXCEL exams and/or faculty validation of competency. Upon successfully passing the exam or faculty validation, the student will be awarded transfer credit. For further information, see the Course Waiver by EXCEL Examination in the Academic Policies section of this catalog.
Additionally, Midwestern has a number of Memorandums of Understanding that allow for certain transfer credits from other institutions. These institutions have been reviewed by Academics, and have been deemed acceptable partners in transfer credit. Courses accepted through these partnerships are for transfer credit only, as Midwestern does not outsource any of its course credits to other parties.
Credit Hour Assignment
This Credit Assignment policy establishes guidelines for assigning the number of credits earned through satisfactory completion of requirements for academic courses by students at Spurgeon College and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. This policy affirms Midwestern’s commitment to educational quality in terms that certify compliance with applicable government regulations and accreditation standards. The policy makes explicit the relationship between the credits assigned to an individual course and the expected work of a student completing that course. Credit assignment should be based on course-related activities regardless of how or where they take place (including online), so long as they are required and contribute materially to achievement of course objectives or program learning outcomes. Credit assignments may also consider the intensity of engagement with the faculty or subject matter, student responsibility for learning outcomes, and course-related learning taking place outside the classroom, including online. This policy articulates definitions that help to ensure a measure of consistency in the assignment of academic credit across all disciplines, while insisting that oversight of credit assignment rests with the faculty and academic administrators closest to instruction. The policy applies to all credit-bearing academic courses, regardless of course type, instructional format, mode of delivery, or length of the course.
Faculty Instruction: Teaching or supervision of teaching carried out in a credit-bearing course by faculty or other approved instructors or field supervisors under the supervision of authorized faculty.
Contact: Engagement of instructors with students to advance course objectives. Contact may take various forms: e.g., it may be face-to-face or online, synchronous or asynchronous, one-to-many or one-to-one, including faculty direction of students participating in for-credit internships, practicums, study tours, research, or scholarship.
Scheduled contact hour: One weekly, required hour (50 minutes) or equivalent of faculty contact. In addition to class meetings reflected in the Undergraduate, Graduate or Doctoral Class Schedule, other required course activities or combinations of activities may count as scheduled contact for the purpose of assigning credit. Examples include faculty-student conferences, course related events with faculty, skill modules such as MET teams, and participation in online forums, congregational visits, music program rehearsals, and performances, etc. All such scheduled contact must be specified as required in course syllabi and must contribute to a student’s grade or achievement of course objectives.
Instructors also require students to complete work outside of scheduled contact hours to fulfill course objectives. Outside work must normally include, but need not be limited to, two hours of regular weekly class preparation for each credit earned. Where expectations for the quantity and/or intellectual challenges of outside work exceed this minimum and materially increase overall student effort, the number of credits assigned to a particular course may be greater than the number of its scheduled contact hours. Examples include courses that entail extensive and/or intensive reading, writing, interviews, research, open-ended problem solving, practice-based assignments, or student responsibility for class meetings.
Course types: The following course types are covered by this policy and are aligned in the chart link below with credit assignment guidelines.
- Classroom-based: Scheduled contact occurs primarily face-to-face in a classroom setting. This includes Conference classes, Fusion, On-Campus, Regional, Intensives, Midwestern Women Institute, Trip and Workshop classes.
- Faculty-directed independent learning: Scheduled contact occurs via faculty supervision of students pursuing directed study for credit involving such activities as capstone projects, independent work for distinction, or graduate thesis and dissertation requirements. This category includes Directed Study, External Study and Independent Study courses.
- Place-or practice-based: Scheduled contact occurs in non-classroom locations such as churches (internships), field supervised ministry (practicums) schools, or clinics. This includes Practicums and Internships.
- Online: Scheduled contact is mediated entirely online.
- For courses offered during a typical 15-week semester, the combination of scheduled contact and independent student effort must be equivalent to at least 3 hours per week per credit hour. The guidelines should be adjusted accordingly for shorter courses, a) as directed by external agencies such as specialized accreditors for CPE, or b) as warranted by the standards of the discipline.
- Classroom-based courses, such as lectures, seminars, and intensives: Typically, 1 credit per 1 scheduled contact hour, as defined above, per week. Each credit assigned includes an expectation of at least 2 hours of independent student effort for successful completion of the course.
- Faculty-directed independent learning: 1 credit per 3 hours of student effort per week.
- Place- and Practice-based: 1 credit per 3 to 5 hours of student effort per week per credit for practicums, internships, externships, and clinical placements.
Responsible Parties. Midwestern faculty are responsible for assigning academic credit to individual courses, for ensuring that credit assignments meet policy guidelines, and for approving exceptions to the guidelines. Typically, this oversight will occur in the context of usual institutional processes for curriculum development and review, and within curriculum oversight bodies such as the appropriate academic policy committee (Undergraduate APC, Graduate APC, Doctoral Academic Policies Committee).
The Provost and Deans are responsible for ensuring implementation of the policy by all credit-granting units of Midwestern.
The Registrar oversees the course catalog and is responsible for reporting regularly on the status of courses vis-à-vis the Course Credit Assignment Policy to the Provost and Deans.
Policy Guiding Influences: In addition to the DOE and Accrediting guidelines, the following institutional understandings were used to establish credit assignment guidelines.
- For the foreseeable future, the credit hour will remain the standard for awarding Midwestern credentials, reporting to external entities, and complying with federal and state regulations. Thus, the definition of a credit hour and the assignment of credit to courses must be consistent with external regulations and standards for accreditation. In addition, credit assignment policies and practices should meet or exceed the best practices at peer institutions. Midwestern is not seeking approval for Competency Based Education delivery at this time.
- Although the credit hour is a useful concept, its basis in face-to-face, lecture-based instruction in a classroom neither reflects the range of current practices nor acknowledges changing instructional practices, which extend beyond traditional lectures to include online and blended online or place-based courses; internships, clinical experience, and field placements; “flipped” classrooms; laboratories, and rehearsals. Thus, credit assignment guidelines must balance the need to stipulate guidance with the need for flexibility in its application to a wide range of pedagogies.
Finally, the guidelines are intended to reflect the variety of pedagogies, learning outcomes, and expectations for academic effort and achievement present at Midwestern; and, to anticipate, to the extent possible, emerging pedagogies and technologies, as well as regulatory changes. In all cases, assignment of credit to courses rests with the faculty and relevant academic governance bodies, as does oversight of compliance with policy guidelines.
2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Student Complaint Policies and Procedures
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Complaint
The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Midwestern to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is as follows: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605
Financial Aid SAP Suspension Appeal Process
Students who do not meet the Financial Aid SAP requirements due to extenuating circumstances may submit a Financial Aid SAP Appeal. Common situations that may cause a student to fail to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards include family difficulties, such as illness/hospitalization, change in employment or other catastrophic, unplanned circumstances.
Appeal Process
Step One: Students who choose to follow the appeal process must:
- Submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal.
- Student must state why he or she failed to meet SAP requirements
- Student must state what has changed so that he or she will meet SAP at the next review.
- Students must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate why SAP standards were not met.
Step Two: The Financial Aid Office will:
- Review the Appeal Form
- Send results of appeal to the student.
Approved appeals include
- Approval and terms of reinstatement of financial aid eligibility o Requirement to meet SAP standards o Requirement to follow an academic plan over an extended period of time
- Consequences for not meeting terms of approval
- Approved appeals will result in Federal Student Aid funds being reinstated.
Denied appeals include
- Reasons for denial
- What the student must do to meet SAP
- Denied appeals will not be awarded Federal Student Aid until SAP standards are met
Step Three: Students must continue to meet terms, as established, until SAP standards are met in order to continue receiving Federal Student Aid on a probationary basis. Once SAP standards are met, a student is no longer considered to be on probation. Failure to maintain SAP in a subsequent semester will result in the student being placed on warning for the upcoming semester.
Students are reminded that readmission to Midwestern after an academic suspension or approval of an academic suspension appeal does not automatically reinstate Federal Student Aid eligibility after a Financial Aid SAP Suspension. Reinstatement of financial aid eligibility is not retroactive. Reinstatement of financial aid eligibility only affects current or future semesters.
Title IX Formal Complaint:
Complaints and reports to the Title IX Coordinator can be made via email, phone, or in person to one of the following persons:
Title IX Coordinator
Zachary Salsbury
Director of Student Success and Dean of Students
Title IX Coordinator
Assistant Professor of Christian Studies
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
5001 N. Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64118
[email protected]
Title IX Coordinator for Students
Beverly White
Title IX Coordinator for Students
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
5001 N. Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64118
[email protected]
Title IX Coordinator for Employees
Dena Morris
Title IX Coordinator for Employees
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
5001 N. Oak Trafficway
Kansas City, MO 64118
[email protected]
Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will objectively evaluate all relevant evidence including both inculpatory and exculpatory evidence – and determine credibility without respect to a person’s status as a complainant, respondent, or witness. Training will be provided to all Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process to treat all parties equally and with fairness along with the presumption that the respondent is not responsible for the alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process by the applicable standard of proof.
If credibility of claim is determined, written notice will be served to all known parties by the Title IX Coordinator including sufficient details known at the time. The notices will include at least the following:
- The identities of the parties involved in the incident, if known;
- The conduct allegedly constituting sexual harassment as defined in this document;
- The date and location of the alleged incident, if known;
- A notice of provisions in the Student Handbook of the scope of consequences for actions.
Formal investigation of the claims will begin immediately upon determination of credibility by campus investigators which may include campus security in conjunction with local police should the need arise. If a formal complaint is dismissed as not fitting Title IX, an explanation will be sent to the complainant and other notified explaining why the complaint does not constitute sexual harassment as defined in this document even if proved, and/or if the conduct did not occur as part of the educational programs or activities of MBTS or Spurgeon College, or if the conduct did not occur against a person in the United States, or if at the time of filing a formal complaint, a complainant is not participating in or attempting to participate in the educational program or of MBTS or Spurgeon College.
Additional reasons for dismissal of a claim of Sexual Harassment may include:
- The complainant notifies the Title IX Coordinator in writing that the complainant would like to
withdraw the formal complaint or any allegations therein; and/or - The respondent is no longer enrolled or employed by MBTS or Spurgeon College; and/or
- Specific circumstances prevent the recipient from gathering evidence sufficient to reach a
determination as to the formal complaint or allegations therein.
Should a student feel that the dismissal by the Title IX coordinator is unwarranted, the student may
appeal the action to the Student Advisory Committee by submitting a formal appeal as outlined in the
student handbook.
Academic Grievance Process
If a student on occasion feels that the decisions and/or actions by faculty are inappropriate and/or unjustified, the student may choose to appeal the decision and/or action. If the student chooses to do so, the following 4-step grievance process is designed to give biblically-based guidance in resolving a grievance, dispute, or conflict.
- The student is first to seek to resolve the matter in a specific conference with the faculty member involved. Careful and thorough attention must be given to achieving a mutual understanding of the perceived problem by determining and agreeing on relevant facts, clarifying perceptions and misunderstandings, and seeking to define the problem in a way that is acceptable to both parties.
- If a student does not find resolution through direct interaction with the faculty member in question, the student may appeal to the Dean of the appropriate school in order to seek to resolve the issue. The Dean will investigate the issue and give a ruling on the matter.
- If a student, after a good faith effort to resolve a matter, feels that the problem persists to his injury or disadvantage, the student may appeal to the appropriate Academic Policies Committee. That committee will look at the issue and seek to bring resolution to the issue.
- Should the student feel the issue remains unresolved, the student may submit an official grievance to the Student Advocacy Committee for review. Students may access the Student Advocacy Form through this link: Student Advocacy Form ›. The Student Advocacy Committee is the final court of appeals for the student and their decision is binding.
Non-Academic Grievance Process
If a student on occasion feels that the personal actions by faculty, staff, or fellow students are inappropriate and/or unjustified, the student is encouraged to follow the following steps. The following 3-step grievance process is designed to give biblically-based guidance in resolving a grievance, dispute, or conflict.
- The student is first to seek to resolve the matter in a specific conference with the faculty member, staff person, or fellow student involved. Careful and thorough attention must be given to achieving a mutual understanding of the perceived problem by determining and agreeing on relevant facts, clarifying perceptions and misunderstandings, and seeking to define the problem in a way that is acceptable to both parties.
- If a student does not find resolution through direct interaction with the faculty, staff or fellow student in question, the Dean of Students will meet with the student to hear the grievance and take steps to resolve the problem. This meeting shall remain confidential unless legal or protective action is mandated by law. The Dean of Students will work with the student to formulate a plan of resolution. If the student’s grievance is with the Dean of Students (i.e., if it relates specifically to some decision or action by the Dean of Students), then the student may, after unsuccessfully finding resolution in Step one, bypass Step Two and submit an official grievance directly to the Student Advocacy Committee.
- Should the student feel the issue remains unresolved, the student may submit an official grievance to the Student Advocacy Committee for review. Students may access the Student Advocacy Form through this link: Student Advocacy Form ›. The Student Advocacy Committee is the final court of appeals for the student and their decision is binding.
Financial Information and Education Loan Code of Conduct
Cost of Attending Midwestern
For actual tuition and fee charges contact:
Registrar’s Office – (816) 414-3713
For estimated tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, and personal/miscellaneous expenses contact:
Financial Aid Office – (816) 414-3739
Refund Policy
The institution has a tuition refund policy that stipulates the amount of tuition and fees that are refunded to a student who withdraws from all classes during a term.
Withdrawal Procedures
Students who are withdrawing from all classes at the institution must notify the Registrar’s Office.
Repayment Policy (Return of Title IV Aid)
The federal government mandates that students who withdraw from all classes may only keep the financial aid (federal Title IV grant and loan assistance) they have “earned” up to the time of withdrawal. Funds that were disbursed in excess of the earned amount must be returned by the institution and/or the student to the federal government.
Scholarship Fraud
According to the Federal Trade Commission, perpetrators of financial aid fraud often use the following lines to sell their scholarship services; students should avoid any scholarship service or website that says the following:
- “This scholarship is guaranteed or your money back.”
- “You can’t get this information anywhere else.”
- “I just need your credit card or bank account number to hold this scholarship.”
- “We’ll do all the work.”
- “This scholarship will cost some money.”
- “You’ve been selected by a ‘national foundation’ to receive a scholarship” or “You’re a finalist” in a contest you never entered.
If you believe you’ve been the victim of scholarship fraud, wish to file a complaint, or want more information, call 1 (877) FTC-HELP or see On November 5, 2000, Congress passed the College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act to enhance protection against fraud in student financial assistance by establishing stricter sentencing guidelines for criminal financial aid fraud.
Student Financial Assistance
Most information is available from the Financial Aid Office or online here. The Office of Financial Aid publication Funding Your Education at MBTS will provide information about:
- Overview of Financial Aid Programs
- How to Apply for Aid
- Aid Eligibility Requirements
- How Eligibility for Need-Based Aid Is Determined and How Need-Based Aid Is Awarded
- Financial Aid for Study Abroad: MBTS does not presently have a study abroad program that qualified for Title IV aid.
Rights and Responsibilities of Aid Recipients:
- Continued Eligibility for Aid
- Satisfactory Academic Progress: This is the term used to denote a student’s successful completion of course work toward a certificate or degree. Students must maintain specific academic progress requirements to be eligible for financial aid. See the student catalog here. Pages 23 of the College Catalog and 22 of the Seminary Catalog address Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid Recipients.
- Method and Frequency of Disbursements: Financial aid is disbursed (released) to students in different ways depending on the type of aid and other factors.
- Terms of Student Loans, Including Necessity of Repayment and Sample Repayment Schedule: Students should refer to the Entrance Counseling at
- Terms/Conditions of Deferment or Cancellation of Perkins Loan, Direct Stafford, or FFEL Loan Because of Volunteer Service:
Student Loan Cohort Default Rate Disclosure
By virtue of Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College’s participation in receiving federal student loans from the Department of Education, we seek to provide our prospective and current students with information about our current student loan cohort default rate as they consider utilizing federal student loans to help pay for the cost of their degree. A cohort default rate is obtained based on the number of borrowers who enter repayment on a federal direct loan during a given fiscal year (October 1 – September 30) and default on their repayment plan before the end of the fiscal year following the year they entered repayment. Our loan cohort default rates are updated and published on an annual basis by the Department, which students may review here. To access our information on the Department’s report, please use School Code 002485.
Fiscal Year | National Average | Cohort Default Rate | Percentage of Students Who Borrowed |
2018 | 7.9 | 2.7 | 14% |
2019 | 3.1 | 0 | 14% |
2020 | 1 | 0 | 15% |
Institutional Effectiveness
Statement of Educational Effectiveness
The Board of Commissioners of The Association of Theological Schools requires member schools to publish a statement regarding the school’s educational effectiveness. The tool utilized by Midwestern is the ATS Graduate Student Questionnaire (GSQ).
During the first six months following graduation, 51.5% of M.Div. graduates responding to the study were in paid ministry positions. Of 2021-2022 graduates, the GSQ shows the top five responses to student satisfaction questions were: “I liked the class size,” “I liked the ease in scheduling required courses,” “I liked the school website and internet-based resources,” “I liked the accessibility of administrative/staff support,” and “I liked the campus security.” The GSQ asked Master of Divinity graduates to indicate their satisfaction with progress in skills related to their future work. The top five areas at Midwestern were: “Ability to think theologically,” “Ability to Use and Interpret Scripture,” “Ability to teach well,” “Knowledge of church doctrine and history,” and “Knowledge of Christian Philosophy and Ethics.”
The ATS placement data indicated that 59.2% of the Master of Divinity students who completed the survey just prior to their graduations in the 2021-2022 academic year had found employment, been offered jobs, were continuing their educations, or (in 3% of the cases) had pursued their degrees for personal edification and were not seeking employment.
Student Right-to-Know Act
Midwestern and Spurgeon College utilize a number of reports through various entities to determine institutional effectiveness in regards to student data. Below you will find a list of reports submitted to our accreditors and the Department of Education. Each entity has its own set of definitions and measures of success, so please make sure to utilize the tools provided from each to better understand the data.
Retention Rates
Midwestern has tracked retention, persistence and graduation rates using the IPEDS methodology of tracking entering cohorts, full-time, first-time degree-seeking students. While the institution uses this data, it does not provide an accurate picture of the institution’s student population. While the IPEDS reports track first-time, full-time Bachelors level students, the majority of Midwestern’s undergraduate student population is composed of transfer students. Moreover, the majority of the institution’s overall student populace are graduate and not undergraduate students. Therefore, the IPEDS definitions are not the best measure of student persistence and completion rates.
Rather, the institution measures its overall retention and completion rates. It does this by monitoring its year over year fall student populations and also by measuring the completion rates of all students.
Undergraduate Global Retention
Cohort Year | Headcount | Enrolled in following Fall | Not Enrolled in following Fall | Retention Rate |
Fall 2015 | 98 | 57 | 41 | 58% |
Fall 2016 | 107 | 60 | 47 | 56% |
Fall 2017 | 131 | 80 | 51 | 61% |
Fall 2018 | 151 | 114 | 37 | 75% |
Fall 2019 | 164 | 92 | 72 | 56% |
Masters Global Retention
Cohort Year | Headcount | Enrolled in following Fall | Not Enrolled in following Fall | Retention Rate |
Fall 2015 | 184 | 112 | 72 | 61% |
Fall 2016 | 221 | 143 | 78 | 65% |
Fall 2017 | 239 | 156 | 83 | 65% |
Fall 2018 | 271 | 166 | 105 | 61% |
Fall 2019 | 292 | 172 | 120 | 59% |
Doctoral Global Retention
Cohort Year | Headcount | Enrolled in following Fall | Not Enrolled in following Fall | Retention Rate |
Fall 2015 | 68 | 51 | 17 | 75% |
Fall 2016 | 76 | 49 | 27 | 64% |
Fall 2017 | 81 | 57 | 24 | 70% |
Fall 2018 | 85 | 66 | 19 | 78% |
Fall 2019 | 87 | 68 | 19 | 78% |
Job Placement Information: See the ministry placement and referral page.
Placement Rates
2020-21 | Graduates | Placed | Placed % | Seeking | Seeking % |
Undergraduate | 48 | 42 | 87% | 6 | 13% |
Masters | 202 | 161 | 80% | 41 | 20% |
Doctoral | 102 | 90 | 88% | 12 | 12% |
Total | 352 | 293 | 83% | 59 | 17% |
*123 responded with unknown or unquantifiable data
Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
H.R. 4137, the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA), is a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. It includes provisions that are designed to reduce the illegal uploading and downloading of copyrighted works through peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing. The basic provisions are as follows:
- An annual disclosure to students describing copyright law and campus policies related to violating copyright law
- A plan to “effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials” by users of its network, including “the use of one or more technology-based deterrents”
- A plan to “offer alternatives to illegal downloading”
Below is a basic outline of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s (MBTS) efforts to comply with these policies.
Annual Disclosure
Consistent with principles of our institution and our expectations of student behavior, we view education as the most important element in combating illegal sharing of copyrighted material. We use a wide variety of methods to inform our community about the law and our response to copyright infringement claims:
- MBTS Information Technology policies clearly prohibit the copying of copyrighted material without proper permissions. This policy is included in the Student, Faculty and Staff handbooks.
- MBTS will distribute information in the fall semester of each academic year on our policies concerning P2P file sharing, the legal implications as well as legal alternatives to illegal file sharing. This information will be distributed in hardcopy to all new incoming students.
- MBTS will maintain up to date information on our policies around P2P file sharing on the MBTS web page. This will include the implications and liabilities of illegal file sharing.
Plans to “Effectively Combat” the Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material
MBTS currently employs an enterprise-class Sonicwall security device for analysis of all inbound and outbound network traffic. We block access to P2P protocols as much as is practical by current technology.
When excessive sustained uploading is detected the IT department makes an effort to identify the end users system and notify the user of the issue and possible causes. In extreme cases when contact cannot be made with the system owner the data connection is severed until the owner can be reached and the issue resolved.
What is Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File Sharing?
Peer-to-peer (P2P) is an approach to content distribution in which digital files are transferred between “peer” computers over the Internet. Because they do not rely on a central server to deliver content, P2P networks tend to be fast and reliable—they can balance traffic loads that might otherwise overwhelm servers, and they minimize the chance of service breakdown due to localized server or communication outages. As a new channel for content distribution, P2P changes the conventional hierarchy of information. The roles of producer, consumer, and gatekeeper of digital content blur, and more information and resources can be delivered to more people and applications than otherwise would be possible. P2P technology has the potential to play an important, positive role in the fulfillment of institutional missions of teaching, research, and the dissemination of knowledge. [Source: 7 Things You Should Know About P2P]
Is P2P File Sharing Illegal?
It depends. P2P file sharing is perfectly legal if the work being shared is not copyrighted or is shared with the authorization of the copyright owner. However, unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works through a publicly accessible, P2P network is copyright infringement pure and simple. There is no concept of fair use that encompasses making a copyrighted needlepoint design available for downloading by 100 million KaZaA users. [Source: Frequently Asked Questions about the P2P Piracy Prevention Act (H.R. 5211)]
The following list of P2P file-sharing programs are not to be installed on any Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS)-owned computer, or any computer with access to MBTS-owned network resources:
eDonkey, Overnet, Shareaza, WinMX, BitTorrent, Limewire, Morpheus,eMule, Ares, BearShare, Kazaa, iMesh, FastTrack, Ares Galaxy, Gnutella, ANts P2P, Azureus, BitComet, BitTornado, BitTorrent 5, BitTorrent 6, Cabos, DC++, ExoSee, eDonkey2000, Freenet, KCeasy, FrostWire, giFT, µTorrent, MUTE, MLDonkey, Gnucleus, Kazaa Lite, gtk-gnutella, Warez P2P, Winny, AresWarez, Blubster, others.
You may not be aware that file-sharing applications cause the following problems:
- They waste your bandwidth: Not only will these programs share your downloaded songs and videos, but they can significantly slow performance of your own computer and impact network performance for the Seminary as a whole.
- They come bundled with adware or spyware: Many file-sharing applications come bundled with adware or spyware which automatically installed on your computer along with the file-sharing application. This software can monitor your activity, sending information to third-party vendors and advertisers on such things as what web pages you browse or what searches you perform. Apart from privacy, concerns, these add-ons use your computer’s system resources to operate and will affect performance. Depending on how much spyware and/or adware you have installed, this may be significant.
- You could be sued: If you share files that you are not the copyright owner of, you are likely in violation of Seminary policy and potentially subject to lawsuit by the copyright holder under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. You are responsible for understanding what constitutes legal use of music, movies, software, images, and other copyright works that you own or use. By using these resources you agree to abide by the policies and guidelines set forth by MBTS.
MBTS is committed to making you aware of legal options for downloading and sharing music, movies and other digital media. Please go to this list provided by Educause to find sources for legal downloads. Some of these resources make music available to you at no charge, others offer digital media at a reasonable cost.
A multitude of information can be found online. Here are a few of the more useful sites:
If you have questions about file sharing, please contact the MBTS Helpdesk at 816-414-3763 or [email protected].
Iowa Disclosures
Iowa Military Deployment Student Refund Policy
Issued: 2016
Revised: 12/23/2019
Iowa College Student Aid Disclosure:
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS) is registered by the Iowa College Student Aid Commission to offer in-person instruction in Iowa and for distance education programs. The contact information for complaints, questions or additional Iowa College Aid information related to MBTS is:
Bureau of Iowa College Aid, Iowa Department of Education
400 E. 14th St. | Des Moines, IA 50319
Iowa Department of Education website:
Student Complaints Webpage –
Student Loan Code of Conduct
Child Abuse Policy:
All faculty/staff who are performing functions in Iowa on behalf of MBTS are required to follow the Iowa Child Abuse Policy. Iowa’s laws on employee reporting are more prescriptive than the standard “mandatory reporting law” in that employees of educational institutions are required to report directly to law enforcement (versus to a state-based child protection/advocacy agency).
Pursuant to Iowa Code, any Midwestern Baptist Theological employee located in Iowa who in the scope of the person’s employment responsibilities examines, attends, counsels or treats a child must report suspected physical or sexual abuse to the institution’s administration and to law enforcement. Any report of suspected child physical or sexual abuse should be made as soon as possible, but within 48 hours, to Dena Morris at [email protected] and the employee shall immediately make a report to local law enforcement.
Drug, Alcohol, and Sexual Abuse Resources
Resources for those struggling with abuse can be found in the following list:
Iowa Department of Public Health Your Life Iowa
(855) 581-8111
Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sexual Abuse Hotline: (800) 284-7821
Iowa Attorney General’s Office – comprehensive sexual abuse services
Alcoholics Anonymous
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Alcohol & Your Health
Federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
DEA –United States Drug Enforcement Administration
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
(800) 656 HOPE (4673)
Safety and Prevention
Center for Changing our Campus Culture
Victim Services/Advocates
Foundation For A Drug-Free World
National Institute on Drug Abuse
The seminary policy on child abuse may be found at
Iowa Military Deployment Student Refund Policy:
In compliance with ICA 261.9(1)(g), Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College (1) Adopts a policy to offer not less than the following options to a student who is a member, or the spouse of a member if the member has a dependent child, of the Iowa National Guard or Reserve forces of the United States and who is ordered to national guard duty or federal active duty: (a) Withdraw from the student’s entire registration and receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees. (b) Make arrangements with the student’s instructors for course grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the student’s registration shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for the courses in full. (c) Make arrangements with only some of the student’s instructors for grades, or for incompletes that shall be completed by the student at a later date. If such arrangements are made, the registration for those courses shall remain intact and tuition and mandatory fees shall be assessed for those courses. Any course for which arrangements cannot be made for grades or incompletes shall be considered dropped and the tuition and mandatory fees for the course refunded. (2) As used in this lettered paragraph, “dependent child” means the same as defined in section 260C.14, subsection 14, paragraph “b”, subparagraph (2), subparagraph division (a).
Scope: This policy applies to Iowa National Guard or Reserve force members and qualifying spouses pursing their education through Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College who reside in the state of Iowa.
Definitions: Section 260C.14, subsection 14, paragraph “b”, subparagraph (2), subparagraph division (a) of the Iowa Code defines “Dependent child” as: “a student who was claimed by a qualified military person or qualified veteran as a dependent on the qualified military person’s or qualified veteran’s internal revenue service tax filing for the previous tax year.”
Midwestern Child Abuse Policy
Issued: 2016
Revised: 05/16/2016
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and College does not tolerate child abuse. Suspected perpetrators of child abuse, including Seminary employees, volunteers, or students, may be removed from the premises and may be subject to arrest and criminal prosecution. Employees, volunteers, or students who engage in child abuse in the workplace, or who use Seminary facilities, property, or resources to engage in child abuse are subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal from employment, engagement, or from educational programs.
All Seminary employees and volunteers who have reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect must immediately report the suspected abuse or neglect to law enforcement or the Department of Social and Health Services.
This policy applies to all employees and volunteers of Midwestern.
The following definitions apply to the terms used in this policy:
Child or children means any person or persons under the age of eighteen years of age.
Child abuse includes:
- Abuse or neglect means sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or injury of a child by any person under circumstances which cause harm to the child’s health, welfare, or safety, or the negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a person responsible for or providing care to the child. The physical discipline of a child is not considered to fall within the reporting obligation when it is reasonable and moderate and is inflicted by a parent, teacher, child care worker or guardian for purposes of restraining or correcting the child. Any use of force on a child by any other person is unlawful unless it is reasonable and moderate and is authorized in advance by the child’s parent or guardian for purposes of restraining or correcting the child.
- Negligent treatment or maltreatment means an act or a failure to act, or the cumulative effects of a pattern of conduct, behavior, or inaction that evidences a serious disregard of consequences of such magnitude as to constitute a clear and present danger to a child’s health, welfare, or safety.
- Sexual exploitation includes:
- Allowing, permitting, or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution by any person; or
- Allowing, permitting, encouraging, or engaging in the obscene or pornographic photographing, filming, or depicting of a child by any person.
Child Abuse Reporting Process
- How to Make a Report: Seminary employees and volunteers must orally report suspected child abuse or neglect by telephone or otherwise at the first opportunity, but no later than 24 hours after suspecting abuse has taken place. There are three alternative ways to make such a report:
- Call the Midwestern Security Department at 816-414-3836. If the incident is outside of Midwestern’s jurisdiction, Midwestern Security will report it to the appropriate law enforcement agency; or
- Call the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) at 816-929-7100 or
- Call the Kansas City Police Department having jurisdiction in the location of the suspected incident at 816-413-3400.
For suspected child abuse that occurs in a Seminary program or at a Seminary facility regardless of its location, Seminary employees and volunteers must also notify their supervisor or departmental administrator of the suspected abuse immediately after they report the suspected abuse to Midwestern Security, DSHS, or Kansas City Police. The supervisor or departmental administrator must notify the administrative head of their organization that a report of suspected child abuse or neglect has been made in accordance with this policy. The administrative head or the administrative head’s designee will contact the Midwestern Security to confirm that it has received a report of the suspected abuse and the appropriate Human Resources office to determine what other actions may be warranted.
- What to Report: The following information may be requested when making a report:
- The name, address, and age of the child;
- The name and address of the child’s parents, stepparents, guardians, or other persons having custody of the child;
- The description of the alleged injury or injuries;
- The description of the alleged neglect;
- The description of the alleged sexual abuse;
- Any evidence of previous injuries, including their nature and extent; and
- Any other information that may be helpful in establishing the cause of the child’s death, injury, or injuries and the identity of the alleged perpetrator or perpetrators.
As an institution that has students residing across the United States, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is required to obtain state approval to operate (state authorization) based on the activities it conducts in a state.
In some states, MBTS is exempt from seeking approval to operate as some state regulations allow for religious or non-profit institutions that meet specific criteria to apply for an exemption in lieu of approval to operate.
In other states, Midwestern has SARA approval to operate. SARA, the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement, is an agreement among member states, districts and territories that establishes comparable national standards for interstate offering of postsecondary distance education courses and programs. It is intended to make it easier for students to take online courses offered by postsecondary institutions based in another state. SARA is overseen by a National Council and administered by four regional education compacts:
SARA consumer protection provisions require the Institution’s Home State, through its SARA Portal Entity, to investigate and resolve allegations of dishonest or fraudulent activity by the state’s SARA-participating institutions, including the provision of false or misleading information.
The student should begin the complaint process with the institution and if resolution is not found, the student would contact Dr. Laura Vedenhaupt, Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, 301 W. High Street, Suite 840, PO Box 1469, Jefferson City, MO 65102-1469. Phone 573-751-2361, option 2, or email [email protected].
Alabama | SARA |
Alaska | SARA |
Arizona | SARA |
Arkansas | SARA |
California | EXEMPT |
Colorado | SARA |
Connecticut | SARA |
Delaware | SARA |
District of Columbia | EXEMPT |
Florida | SARA |
Georgia | SARA |
Hawaii | SARA |
Idaho | SARA |
Illinois | SARA |
Indiana | SARA |
Iowa | Approval to Operate |
Kansas | SARA |
Kentucky | SARA |
Louisiana | SARA |
Maine | SARA |
Maryland | SARA |
Massachusetts | EXEMPT |
Michigan | SARA |
Minnesota | SARA |
Mississippi | SARA |
Missouri | Approval to Operate |
Montana | SARA |
Nebraska | SARA |
Nevada | SARA |
New Hampshire | SARA |
New Jersey | SARA |
New Mexico | SARA |
New York | SARA |
North Carolina | SARA |
North Dakota | SARA |
Ohio | SARA |
Oklahoma | SARA |
Oregon | SARA |
Pennsylvania | SARA |
Rhode Island | SARA |
South Carolina | SARA |
South Dakota | SARA |
Tennessee | SARA |
Texas | SARA |
Utah | SARA |
Vermont | SARA |
Virginia | SARA |
Washington | SARA |
West Virginia | SARA |
Wisconsin | SARA |
Wyoming | SARA |
Guam | EXEMPT |
Puerto Rico | EXEMPT |
U.S. Virgin Islands | SARA |
Updated: July 2019
Veteran & Active Military Benefits
Midwestern Seminary participates in receiving education benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Students may receive benefits under one of the following program chapters:
- 30 – Montgomery GI Bill®-Active Duty
- 31 – Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)
- 33 – Post-9/11 GI Bill®
- 35 – Dependents’ Educational Assistance program, or DEA
- 1606 – Montgomery GI Bill®-Selected Reserve
- 1607 – Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
For more information about applying for VA education benefits, please click here.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Veterans and service members interested in applying for VA education benefits can log in and apply for benefits online at Documents will be mailed or e-mailed to students approximately 30 days after the application has been processed.
After admission to the institution and prior to certifying enrollment, Midwestern requires a Certificate of Eligibility, Statement of Benefits or Notice of Basic Eligibility (DD Form 2384-1) NOBE from the student. These documents can be requested online via AskVA or by logging in to their account with the VA here. Admitted students can provide this documentation to the Military Education Liaison by emailing [email protected].
After VA beneficiary students enroll in classes, they must complete the VA Education Benefits Request Form by the published registration deadlines in the Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College academic catalogs. Failure to submit this form on time may result in delays in the payment of benefits by the VA, for which Midwestern is not liable. This form must be completed each term the student enrolls in courses and would like to utilize their benefits.
Online graduate students who are eligible for a housing allowance as a part of their VA education benefits should consult with the Military Education Liaison prior to entering their desired program of study. Depending on the student’s anticipated courseload, they may not be eligible for full housing benefits. For questions, please email the Military Education Liaison at [email protected].
The Military Education Liaison will certify student enrollment upon receipt of the VA Education Benefits Request Form from the student. Enrollment certifications will be sent to the VA via Enrollment Manager (EM) for all eligible chapters. The VA will pay Midwestern directly for tuition and fees for Chapters 31 and 33 only.
Please note that veteran students enrolled receiving benefits under Chapter 33 and receive the Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and/or kicker payments are required to verify their enrollment to continue receiving their payments. Chapter 33 students must verify their enrollment via text or email. Students who are unable to verify via text or email, must contact the Education Call Center (ECC) at 1-888-GIBILL-1 (1-888-442-4551) and ask a representative to verify your enrollment.
- Please note that ECC wait times may be high due to the number of students verifying enrollment each month. If you are unsure if the VA has your phone number or email on file, you can also contact the ECC to update your contact information and ensure you can verify via text or email.
Veteran students receiving benefits under Chapters 30 or 1606 must verify enrollment through Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE).
The VA pays benefits for Chapters 30, 35, and 1606 to directly to the student. Students receiving benefits under these chapters must make payment arrangements with the Financial Services Office by the published payment deadlines in the Midwestern Seminary or Spurgeon College academic catalogs. If payment of benefits has not been received within a reasonable amount of time after enrollment certification, the student is responsible for contacting the VA to determine the cause of the missing payment(s). Students can review the payment rates for Chapters 30, 35, and 1606 here.
Students who are receiving benefits under the VR&E program should contact their Veteran Readiness & Employment (VR&E) Case Manager who will notify Military Education Liaison of the student’s eligibility via an authorization number. The Military Education Liaison will receive the authorization number via an electronically generated email and manage the authorization in the Tungsten Network portal.
The authorization number from the VR&E Case Manager is used for the following:
- To confirm the student’s election of Chapter 31 benefits.
- To identify the VR&E point of contact for the student.
- To inform Midwestern that the Veteran is authorized to have their tuition, fees, and books paid for at the expense of the VA under the VR&E program.
- To notify the Military Education Liaison that the student’s enrolled hours may be certified Enrollment Manager (EM).
In compliance with Title 38 USC 3679(e), Midwestern will not impose any penalties, late fees, denial of access to facilities, or require an individual to borrow additional funds if the individual cannot meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of payment by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. However, the student may incur holds or late fees if they have a remaining balance after the VA funds have been applied and have not arranged payment to cover these remaining expenses.
Midwestern Seminary participates in receiving private student loans, as well as federal student loans, the federal Pell Grant, and the federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant from the Department of Education under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. Students who are using military education benefits have the opportunity to apply for and utilize these other sources of financial aid. Students are not encouraged or required to take out student loans to pay for the cost of their degree, and they have the right to refuse any loans that may be offered to them after completing the FAFSA. If students choose to accept their student loan offer, they are not required to borrow the maximum amounts available to them.
For questions about applying for student loans and the expected timeline for packaging student loans and other financial aid, we encourage our student veterans and servicemembers to reach out to our Military Education Liaison at [email protected] and visit our Financial Aid FAQ Page.
Students who are eligible for State Vocational Rehabilitation benefits for their state of residence can receive tuition assistance during their time at Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors must submit an Official Vendor Authorization & Vendor Authorization Invoice or similar documentation to the Military Education Liaison for certification when the student is approved for State VR services.
On or after the add/drop date of the student’s latest course during their semester of enrollment, the Military Education Liaison will sign and submit the authorization provided by the VR Counselor to the respect VR office along with the student’s semester billing ledger. Upon receipt and approval of the authorization, the VR Office will send payment directly to Midwestern via check or an ACH payment.
Midwestern Seminary is a signatory of the Department of Defense (DOD) Tuition Assistance Program Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and eligible to receive TA. TA is not a loan; it should be viewed as money earned just like base pay. TA is paid directly to Midwestern by the individual service branch for tuition charges within prescribed TA limits. Military Tuition Assistance is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
Each branch of the military has their own annual TA limit. Please consult with your Education Center and your Education Services Officer to determine your eligibility for the TA program and your annual TA limit. Students who intend to use TA are encouraged to contact their Education Center at least 60 days prior to their anticipated enrollment date.
Once students are approved for TA and are fully admitted, degree-seeking students, they must notify the Military Education Liaison of their intent to utilize the Military TA program to help cover the cost of their coursework. Payment for tuition by the student’s respective branch of service will be paid directly to Midwestern via an ACH payment.
Students are encouraged to keep copies of all pertinent TA forms and documents for their records. Students receiving TA will be required to make payment arrangements for the remaining portion of their tuition charges, as well as fee charges, that will not be covered by their TA benefit.
At the end of each term of enrollment, the Military Education Liaison will submit a final grade report to the education office after the student completes their coursework. Students consent to the release of their grade(s) by signing the Tuition Assistance Authorization (TAR) at the beginning of the semester.
Determining eligibility for TA is specific to each course. The start and end date will be used for each course to determine eligibility. Using the formula below, Midwestern Seminary will be required to return a portion of, or all, TA awarded to service members who did not complete at least 60% of each course for which they requested TA. This may result in a balance on the student’s ledger for which they will be responsible to pay. Unearned TA funds will be returned to the student’s Department of Defense program, not to the student.
TA is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend their coursework for the entire period for which the TA is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded.
To comply with the Department of Defense’s policy, Midwestern will return any unearned TA funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned to the military service and not to the student based upon when a student stops attending.
If a service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, Midwestern will work with the affected service member to identify solutions that will not result in a student debt for the returned portion of their TA. When a service member discontinues enrollment, Midwestern must calculate the amount of TA the student earned prior to the date of withdrawal. The unearned TA funds must be returned to the appropriate Department of Defense program. The calculation is based on the Tuition Assistance a student receives for the withdrawal period.
When a student “officially” withdraws from a course, the date of withdrawal will be used as the last date of attendance. For unofficial withdrawals, Midwestern will determine the last date of attendance (LDA) by reviewing the last date of activity for a course. For online courses, Midwestern will determine the LDA based on the last date that the student contributed to the class or submitted an assignment. For on-campus courses, Midwestern will contact the professor to determine the student’s LDA.
Once LDA has been determined, Midwestern will recalculate TA eligibility based on the following formula:
Number of days completed / Total days of the course (start to end date) = Percent TA Earned
Please see the below example calculations:
Earned Tuition Assistance: Midwestern calculates the amount of earned Tuition Assistance daily from the first day of classes through the date of last day of attendance.
- An earned aid percentage is calculated by the following: Number of days attended before enrollment ended divided by Total of days in period x 100 = Earned Aid %
- The number of days in the enrollment period is counted between the first day of instruction and the last day of attendance.
- Calendar days, rather than business days, are counted.
Unearned Tuition Assistance: Any TA funds that exceed the earned amount by the student is considered unearned.
- An unearned aid percentage is calculated as follows: 100% – Earned Aid % = Unearned Aid %
- The return amount is calculated as follows: Unearned Aid % x Amount of TA received during withdrawal period.
Fully Earned Tuition Assistance: Return of TA policy applies to students who withdraw on or before the 60% mark of the enrollment period. Discontinuing enrollment after the 60% date will not result in an adjustment to the student’s TA for that period.
Recruiting Integrity Policy
Marketing and recruiting is essential for Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College to carry on its mission to serve and equip the Church and its leaders. These tasks must always be done with utmost integrity and sincerity. As such, the school requires that all recruiting staff be committed to Christian morals and integrity in all responsibilities, including traveling on behalf of the school, spending institutional funds, and relating to the school’s constituents. In pursuit of utmost integrity, the school does not provide bonuses, commission, or incentivized payments to employees based on the securing of enrollments or federal financial aid of any type from students or their families. Additionally, the school does not encourage or participate in deceptive or forceful recruiting tactics that dishonor the glory of Christ or the free agency of potential students. The school makes proactive efforts to contact students who have freely given their information to the school while respecting each individual’s privacy and choice when discerning a path to become equipped for kingdom service.
International Studies
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary offers occasional classes in South Korea and Romania, and study tour/mission class opportunities globally. Occasional classes are MBTS classes hosted in churches and/or ministry training institutions with MBTS faculty. MBTS does not maintain local workers, classrooms or offices outside of the accredited main campus and extensions. All study tour and occasional class coursework is completed and transcribed through the MBTS main campus. Additional locations will follow the same process. All occasional classes are OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) and Clery Act compliant.
Policy on Granting Degree Posthumously
February 11, 2019
In the unfortunate event that a student passes away near the completion of his or her academic program, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary may consider the deceased student as a candidate for a posthumous degree in the program the student was enrolled at the time of his or her death.
To qualify for a posthumous degree, general and degree level qualifications must be met.
General Qualifications:
o The student must have been in good academic and fiscal standing, with no disciplinary or academic sanctions pending
o The student’s cause of death was not due to any unlawful activity
o The faculty must approve the student’s graduation
o The student must have been enrolled in the preceding 12 months of the awarding of the posthumous degree
o If the deceased student is not known personally by faculty or administration, such as might be the case with online or seminar-based students, a death certificate will be required.
Degree Level Qualifications
o Associate degrees may be awarded to a deceased student who has met the general requirements above and who has completed a minimum of 45 credits.
o Baccalaureate degrees may be awarded to a deceased student who has met the general requirements above and who has achieved senior standing (a minimum of 90 credits earned).
o Graduate/Professional degrees may be awarded to a deceased student who has met the general requirements above and have completed 70% or more of the requirements for the degree.
o Doctoral degrees may be awarded to a deceased student who has met the general requirements those who have enrolled or completed the Dissertation Seminar and 70% or more of the credit-hour requirements for the degree
The President and/or Provost may consider cases that do not meet the above criteria when extraordinary circumstances prevail.
Articulation Agreement with Hannibal-LaGrange University
Spurgeon College’s Education Track grants students a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies in four years and prepares students for a fifth year with Hannibal-LaGrange University where they can complete a Master of Science in Education. The MSE at HGU can be completed online from Kansas City or elsewhere. The Education Track will prepare students to teach in diverse education settings with certifications including the following: Elementary, Middle School, Secondary (K-12 or 9-12), and Special Education (K-12). The details of the agreement can be found in this document: Spurgeon College-HLGU MOU