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Youth Pastor

Website Grace Fellowship Church

Position:  Youth Minister

Status:  full-time, exempt

Supervisor:  Senior Pastor, Staff-Parish Relations Committee

Date Approved: April 2022


Vision – Lead the youth in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, showing them how to use their gifts to glorify God, and to teach them what it means to be a part of the church.


Mission – Love God with all we are, love others with all we have, and make disciples in all we do.


Ministry Objectives

Teach and craft experiences that encourage youth to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
Deepen youth’s understanding and experience of our triune God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Teach youth how to apply biblical principles and precepts to their complex lives.
Teach and equip youth with spiritual disciplines
Facilitate identification of youth’s spiritual gifts, temperament, talents and understanding in how to utilize them in their ministry and service in God’s Kingdom.
Create a safe and hospitable environment for all youth.
Develop and maintain healthy relationships with youth, parents, & guardians.
Be diligent in building pathways between the youth ministry and other ministries at GFC.
If possible organize ministry to work in tandem with other ministries to help coordinate pick up and drop off times with other ministries.
Effectively facilitate communication with sponsors, church leadership and pastor regarding the youth ministry and connected issues.
Plan and execute activities and ministry in harmony with biblical principles and GFC policy and procedures.


Work Hours – full-time, exempt position

Office hours are flexible but you should be in the office on a regular basis from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Attend sport, community, and other events to support and connect with youth.
Lunch with Middle and Senior High School students at least once weekly.
Special youth events and trips.
Practice a regular weekly personal Sabbath.
Days off and vacations will be enjoyed with consultation and approval of Sr. Pastor (more specific information regarding time off and continuing education is provided in the employee manual).



Specific Duties as Youth Minister

Lead or facilitate meaningful and varied Bible studies in weekly Wednesday and Sunday youth meetings with preference toward utilizing series or unit curriculum.
Develop youth evangelism to the un-churched youth in and around Snyder.
Develop and present annual budget for youth ministry.
Act as administrative officer of the youth ministry keeping accurate financial records. (expenditures exceeding $100 is to be approved by Senior Pastor)
Dress should be clean when in office or worship.
Maintain a leadership role in monitoring youth behavior while in the church, at events, and on trips.
Quarterly report to the Church Leadership Council


Youth Council

Develop an active youth council made up of parents of youth and youth sponsors.
Plan and coordinate lessons and events for the spiritual growth of the youth group.
Meet in April, July, and December to schedule and discuss.


3rd Floor Reveal Ministry Area

Maintain a leadership role in monitoring and enforcing good behavior and cleanliness.
Utilize to facilitate a hospitable place for youth of the community
Communicate facility needs to Senior Pastor.


Youth Trips & Activities

Carry out Annual mission trip and other trips to help deepen the faith of the youth.
Execute monthly special activity or event.
Plan and execute opportunities for the youth to serve in our community and the church.
Attend and help with summer camps as planned with Senior Pastor and sponsors.
Be diligent in acquiring parental consent for activity and medical need
Ensure appropriate sponsorship ratio of 1:5–1:8, depending on activity & setting.
Ensure that you are practicing safe sanctuary policies.



Personal and spiritual maturity to lead youth and adults associated with youth ministry
Knowledge of Scripture and ability to apply its principles to everyday life
Competency and practice in spiritual disciplines
Dependability and punctuality
Knowledge of information technologies utilized by GFC
Ability to effectively work in a team environment
Bachelors Degree Preferred
5+ years in Youth Ministry Preferred



$30,000-$40,000 depending on experience and education.
Housing and Utilities Provided
Paid Time Off
50% Health Care Cost Provided for staff member