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Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Handbook

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Graduate Student Handbook


Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary serves the church by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. From start to finish, Midwestern seeks to dramatically transform students by renewing their minds with biblical truth, impacting their hearts with ministry passion, and enriching their souls with deepened Christ-likeness.
The core values of Midwestern Seminary consist of the ideologies of Veritas (Truth) – “Knowing,” Pietas (Devotion) – “Being,” and Missio (Evangelism) – “Doing.” These values are based on a thoughtful process of first knowing God’s truth; then being nad becoming a thoughtful, committed disciple; and finally, taking the great truths and putting them into practice for the sake of the Kingdom.

The Student Handbook clarifies policies designed to provide a safe atmosphere conducive to campus living and academic pursuits. While enrolled, students and family members are responsible for the information contained within the handbook, and with its obligations. Questions or requests for information regarding the Student Handbook may be directed to the Dean of Students.

To keep up to date on our community gatherings and opportunities follow MBTS on the following social media outlets:

For immediate help in an emergency or threatening situation, individuals should call 911—Kansas City’s emergency telephone number. This 911 number will reach fire, police, or ambulance service. After relevant information is reported to the 911 operator, campus security personnel should be notified immediately by calling 816-414-3836. Students may also call this number to report housing emergencies.
In Kansas City, Missouri, emergency preparedness officials test the city’s severe weather warning siren system at 11:00 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month.


The community at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary is committed to the core values of the seminary: Veritas, Pietas, and Missio. By these three measures our community is for the church. We seek to be truthful, devoted, and on mission for the glory of God and the good of our neighbors on campus and off campus. With one eye set on our eternal destination in the presence of our triune God and another on our world, we seek to build a community with the following values in mind:

Our Community is Biblical. Because we believe the Bible is God’s inerrant word, we believe that every person of every race and gender possesses full dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love. Midwestern students are expected to model this value by showing respect and Christian love toward other students, faculty, staff, and administrators. This respect for other individuals includes an appreciation of cultural backgrounds different from one’s own, an understanding of different attitudes and opinions, and an awareness of the consequences of one’s actions on the broader community.
Our Community Invests in Leadership. Because we seek to develop leaders who exemplify and communicate God’s vision in their ministry settings, we believe students should strive for the highest standard of integrity.
Relationships matter in our community. Because we believe Christ-like relationships with God, family, church, community, and the world are essential and should be cultivated, students are expected to model kingdom relationships with the various members of the seminary campus. While students are encouraged to share their opinions and convictions, freedom in any orderly relationship of human life is always limited and never absolute. Therefore, students are expected to strive toward high standards of compassion and courtesy in the exercise of their freedoms.
Our community pursues moral and spiritual maturity. Midwestern seeks to provide an atmosphere for students that cultivates consistent, disciplined, and balanced spiritual growth and that validates the student’s call to ministry. Students are expected to progress toward moral and spiritual maturity through the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
Our community is for our world. Midwestern prepares students to be twenty-first century ministers and laymen who demonstrate a commitment to ministerial calling, cultural sensitivity, and doctrinal integrity from a Southern Baptist perspective. Student conduct is expected to reflect these commitments.

Community: General Information

Academic Advising
MBTS provides quality academic advising that can help students attain the goal of earning a degree. Students may schedule an appointment with an academic advisor by emailing [email protected]. Advisors are always happy to help students think through the next steps in their academic journey.

Bookstore: Sword & Trowel
The bookstore is located in the Mathena Student Center. The bookstore carries books, commentaries, and supplies. The bookstore may be contacted by phone at 816-414-3808. The bookstore is also accessible online at

Campus Printing
Printers are available for student use in the Library. Students can print directly from their own personal computers or utilize a library computer. The library assesses a minimal charge per page for printing.

Chapel Attendance
The chapel services at Midwestern are an essential part of the seminary’s on-campus educational experience. They serve to define further its values and mission as a Southern Baptist and evangelical institution of higher education. All on campus Graduate students attending Tuesday and Wednesday classes are strongly encouraged to attend chapel on those days and will typically be required to do so as a component of their Tuesday or Wednesday classes. Online students are invited to attend chapel should they be visiting the Kansas City, MO region. Chapel services are made available online for the benefit of the online community.

Child Endangerment and Abandonment
Children should not be left unattended or placed in any situation which might cause harm or injury to the child. Children should be under adult supervision at all times in campus buildings and facilities. Suspected child neglect cases should be reported to the Dean of Students, the Vice President for Institutional Administration, or directly to the Kansas City Police Department.

International (F-1) Students. U.S. Immigration laws prohibit F-1 students from being employed for wages or working off-campus, and allow only 20 hours of employment for wages or work per week on campus. After the first year of school, qualified F-1 students may seek approval and authorization from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to be employed off-campus. The spouse of an F-1 student holding an F-2 visa is not permitted to work.
Campus. The Human Resources Office is located on the first floor of the Trustees Building. It is the central location for learning about on-campus employment and for submitting applications. Midwestern is pleased to employ students and student spouses, where appropriate, and encourages them to submit applications.
Church-Related and Other Employment. Students desiring church work are encouraged to contact the Office of Institutional Relations. An electronic copy of a resume should be placed on file in this office. Student resumes are then distributed to churches as requested. The Seminary encourages students to be in a ministry setting and assists students as they seek ministry positions. Students can also visit to view the current ministry position openings and other employment both on and off campus.
Business or Commercial Ventures On Campus. Commercial activity on campus, including utilizing campus housing for business or commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited. Any exception to this prohibition must be approved in writing by the Office of Campus Housing. Off-campus businesses are not allowed to solicit on campus without written permission from the Admissions Office.

Financial Aid
Funding your academic training is one of the most important aspects of completing your degree program. Midwestern Seminary is happy to equip you with various methods to manage scholarships, financial aid, and military assistance. For questions, please schedule a call with our Financial Aid Counselor or email us at [email protected].

If you believe you’ve been the victim of scholarship fraud, wish to file a complaint, or want more information, call 1 (877) FTC-HELP. On November 5, 2000, Congress passed the College Scholarship Fraud Prevention Act to enhance protection against fraud in student financial assistance by establishing stricter sentencing guidelines for criminal financial aid fraud.

No person, group, organization, or program is permitted to possess, offer for sale, explode or cause to explode, any fireworks, firecrackers, or other items that may cause smoke, heat, or sparks within the buildings or on the property of Midwestern Theological Seminary. Anyone found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. In addition to campus policy, fireworks within the city limits of Kansas City are prohibited by law and violators are subject to penalties under city ordinance 26-3309.

Individuals in campus housing are subject to certain rules and regulations deemed in the best interests of all students and families. Residents agree to abide by these rules and regulations when executing their housing contracts, which contain a full description of the terms of tenancy. Students may receive additional information concerning these rules at the time they receive their housing assignment. To see the extent of the housing services for guest housing, campus housing, and the requirements for living on campus, please visit

The Seminary encourages all students to obtain medical and hospitalization insurance for their own protection. A student hospitalization plan is available through providers. is a good place to shop for medical insurance. All international students (students holding F-1 or J-1 Visas) are required to show proof of health insurance.

Life insurance is also available through GuideStone. Each student is encouraged to carry some form of life insurance. Seminary insurance does not cover the loss of personal property or damage to personal items, whether on campus or in a seminary housing unit. Each student or resident is encouraged to purchase renter’s insurance, which is very affordable, from a private insurance carrier.

International Students
International students are welcome at Midwestern, which is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant international students. Midwestern’s specialized programs are appropriate for persons preparing for a career in Christian ministry. International Students may only attend Midwestern’s Kansas City campus. New international students may only begin in the fall or spring semesters. International students at Midwestern are expected to be aware of and in compliance with all federal regulations applicable to them. Midwestern does not admit students who are currently out of status with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Lost and Found
The campus “Lost and Found” service is maintained in the Security Office. Items found on campus should be taken to this office, and inquiries regarding lost items should be made there as well.

Any need for housekeeping attention, maintenance and repairs in hallways, restrooms, entrances, and other common use areas should be reported to the Campus Operations Office by calling 816-414-3732 or visiting

Midwestern Calendar
All meetings for student organizations, special interest groups, and/or special events must be scheduled on the Midwestern calendar. Students desiring to schedule an event or meeting must schedule the date and campus facilities through the appropriate campus office.

Meetings and events scheduled on the Midwestern calendar can also be listed in the seminary’s News and Announcements email blast that goes out to all students, faculty and on-campus staff. All such announcements must be approved through the appropriate department’s cabinet-level administrator, and should be turned in at least one week prior to the event.

On-Campus Counseling Services
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College is proud to host the Center for Biblical Counseling (CBC). Should students need counseling, they can request counseling services through the CBC here or here, or students can call the CBC at (816) 414-3886 ext. 686. Once a student has requested counseling services, they will receive an automated response confirming the receipt of their request, and someone from the CBC will follow up with an email to obtain consent to counsel and provide a personal data inventory. Once these steps are complete, the CBC will assign the student to a counselor, and their counselor will reach out to schedule their first meeting.

All vehicles parked on campus must have a Midwestern parking sticker, which can be purchased in the Security Office. Campus parking lots are designated by color; parking is permitted only in lots matching the color of the car’s permit. Parking violations and moving violations on campus are subject to fines and penalty.

Buildings and grounds are patrolled by Campus Security. Security-related matters may be directed to 816- 414-3836. In the event of emergencies threatening life and property, students should call 911 for immediate help from the KC Fire Department, KC Police Department, or KC ambulance service.

Smoking and Vaping
In keeping with our concern for the health and wellbeing of students, smoking, vaping, or any other use of tobacco products is not permitted anywhere on the Midwestern campus, including campus housing.

Writer’s Studio
Students who need tutoring or help in writing papers can find assistance at the Writer’s Studio. Students can schedule a personal visit or find resources and writing aids by visiting The Writer’s Studio.

Community: Honor & Integrity

Veritas, Pietas, and Missio reflect the expectations the seminary has for students. Students are expected to live truthfully for our Lord Jesus is the truth. Students are expected to live faithfully for our Lord Jesus is the life. Students are expected to live on mission for our Lord Jesus is the way. The core values communicate expectation for the student to know, be, and do in keeping with the standard of honor and integrity put forth in Holy Scripture.

Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary action may be initiated if a student is involved in immoral or unethical behavior, including the violation of the property rights of others. The following are categories of conduct unacceptable in the Seminary community:

Academic Misconduct. Academic misconduct includes cheating and plagiarism. Students are to refrain from the use of unauthorized aids on examinations and assignments. Students are to turn in only those assignments that result from their own efforts and research.


Cheating is utilizing unauthorized materials or aids to complete an assignment or part of an assignment. Cheating may include:

  • cutting and pasting from the internet
  • taking ideas from peers
  • copying answers from a textbook in a manner prohibited by the Professor.

Plagiarism is presenting an assignment or part of an assignment as your work when it has been compiled, written, produced, or substantially edited or revised by others, including artificial intelligence or any other software. In this manner, it is also a form of cheating. Proper citation is to be given for all quotations and/or paraphrasing in accordance with the current edition of the Midwestern Style Guide. Students with questions should consult with their faculty or the Midwestern Writer’s Studio.

Self-Plagiarism is presenting work developed by the student that has already been submitted in full or in part in a different class. Self-plagiarism constitutes a form of cheating as the student is “double-dipping” and seeking credit from work that has already contributed to the final grade of a different course. Students are expected to produce new, unique contributions in every course.

Midwestern strongly deplores every form of plagiarism and dishonesty, which are incompatible with the very purpose for which students ought to pursue an education at MBTS. All Cheating and Plagiarism offenses will be referred to the Dean of Students.

Beverage Alcohol: The purchase, possession, or use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited for all enrolled students whether on or off campus. Possession of alcohol in campus housing will result in immediate suspension.

Marijuana and/or THC products: Marijuana use is prohibited for all enrolled students whether on or off campus. Accordingly,  THC products (gummies, vape, edibles, etc.) are also not allowed by any currently enrolled student at Midwestern or Spurgeon College. Possession of Marijuana and/or THC products in campus housing will result in immediate suspension.

Illegal Drugs. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of any illegal drug or illegal drug paraphernalia is prohibited whether on or off-campus. Use of prescription medication by one other than the person to whom it is prescribed constitutes illegal drug use under this policy. Possession of illegal drugs in campus housing will result in immediate suspension.

Smoking, Vaping, and e-cigarettes. In keeping with our concern for the health and well-being of students, smoking, vaping, or any other use or possession of tobacco or e-cigarette products is not permitted anywhere on the Midwestern and Spurgeon College campus, including campus housing.

Gambling. Gambling on- or off-campus or via the internet is prohibited.

Sexual Impropriety. Sexual impropriety is participation in premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexual activities or any form of deviant sexual behavior or cohabitation.
Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment are prohibited categories that fall under the role of Title IX of the Department of Education. Victims of Sexual Assault should reach out to the Title IX Coordinator or the Dean of Students. Students can file a Title IX complaint HERE. For more information about Title IX and our policies protecting students from sexual discrimination, harassment and assault, see the Title IX Policy and Procedure Manual.

In keeping with Midwestern and Spurgeon College’s commitment to honor biblical definitions of manhood and womanhood, the public advocacy for or act of altering one’s birth-gender identity through medical transition or transgender expression is prohibited. This commitment to gender identity and the expression thereof also applies to — but is not limited to — the use of bathrooms, locker rooms, student housing, and participation in gender-specific student/school groups, clubs, and organizations.

Because of our care for others and Biblical standards, Pornography is also prohibited. Pornography is the possession, purchase, distribution, or use of any pornographic materials in any form whether in print or digital media format. The viewing and/or possession of underage pornographic material of any form is a criminal offense and will result in the notification of the Kansas City Police Department and arrest. Matters of sexual impropriety are otherwise addressed by the Dean of Students in consultation with the Vice President for Institutional Administration, the Provost, and President.

Neglect of Financial Obligations. Failure to pay rent, tuition, fees, or other seminary bills in a timely manner as prescribed by the Financial Services constitutes neglect of financial obligations. Intentionally writing bad checks (i.e., checks with insufficient funds) is prohibited.

Giving False Information. Knowingly or willfully giving false information is prohibited.

Altering Records. In compliance with FERPA, Midwestern and Spurgeon College protects the personal information and records of every student. Tampering, distributing, and receiving privileged information is prohibited. For more information visit

Theft. Theft is the unauthorized taking, borrowing and/or keeping of property belonging to others.

Arrest. Students involved in civil infractions are accountable to civil authorities but may also be subject to discipline by the Seminary, typically resulting in suspension until the matter is resolved by the authorities. Individuals placed upon the Sex Offender Registry are ineligible to study at Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College.

Abusive or Disrespectful Behavior.
Personal Abuse. Personal abuse is any behavior that results in harassment, coercion, threat, disrespect and/or intimidation of another person. It is also any unwanted sexual attention toward another person. Actions or statements that cause damage or threaten the personal and/or psychological well-being of a person are also considered personal abuse.
Breach of Peace. Breach of peace is any action which disrupts the peace or which endangers or tends to endanger the safety, health, or life of any person. It also includes the disruption of the functional processes of the Seminary by individuals or organizations.
Reckless Behavior. Any behavior that creates a risk or danger to one’s self or others in the Seminary community is strictly prohibited. This prohibition includes exceeding the posted speed limits on campus.
These listed behaviors and other conduct that are unbecoming of a Christian minister are grounds for disciplinary action. Reports of such conduct off campus will also be investigated, and the student involved may be subject to disciplinary action. The Dean of Students is immediately responsible for the administration of discipline among students and reports to the Provost and President. Cases involving academic misconduct necessitate the administration of discipline by the Dean of Students.

The purpose of disciplinary action is primarily remedial and redemptive. The following are options available to the administration for both behavioral and academic infractions:

• Reprimand and Warning. An official warning that continuation or repetition of an inappropriate behavior will result in a more severe sanction.
• Fine. A financial penalty appropriate to the violation.
•Remedial or Repeated Coursework. Students may be required to repeat courses in which they have acted dishonestly. Additionally, students may be ordered to take remedial coursework in light of academic violations. These courses include GS090 Study Skills and GS020 Academic Ethics.
• Community Service. This sanction requires the student to render a designated number of hours as specified service to Midwestern or the community.
• Probation. A formal written warning that the student’s conduct is in violation of Midwestern’s policies. The continued status of the student as a student depends on the maintenance of satisfactory citizenship during the period of probation. Students on probationary status may not hold student leadership or officer positions. Probation may also include the forfeiture of other student privileges, such as student housing or ministry referral assistance. This is considered a second warning.
• Voluntary Withdrawal. This sanction allows a student to acknowledge that the student’s actions are inconsistent with expectations of the Seminary community. The student who voluntarily withdraws must make a formal written request if there is a desire to be readmitted later.
• Suspension. Termination of student status at Midwestern for not less than the remainder of the semester. The student’s presence on the campus may be prohibited during this period.
• Expulsion. Termination of student status at Midwestern permanently or for an indefinite period of time. This is usually given (but not exclusively) after a first and second warning, depending on the offense.

In the case of misconduct (whether academic or community standards), the student will be referred to the Dean of Students for determination of appropriate action. These disciplinary actions will be recorded as part of the student’s permanent record.

If an appeal is made to a decision by the Dean of Students, the Student Advocacy committee will address the situation. This committee will form a sub-committee that does not include the Dean of Students and perform an investigation of the issues at hand. The Student Advocacy Committee may confer with the student in question and may form a hearing to determine appropriate disciplinary action. The decisions of the Student Advocacy Committee (SAC) are final. The SAC serves as the final court of appeal for student appeals in all academic and student affairs. To submit a request to the SAC, please click HERE

Academic Grievance Process
If a student on occasion feels that the decisions and/or actions by faculty are inappropriate and/or unjustified, the student may choose to appeal the decision and/or action. If the student chooses to do so, the following 4-step grievance process is designed to give biblically-based guidance in resolving a grievance, dispute, or conflict.

1.The student is first to seek to resolve the matter in a specific conference with the faculty member involved. Careful and thorough attention must be given to achieving a mutual understanding of the perceived problem by determining and agreeing on relevant facts, clarifying perceptions and misunderstandings, and seeking to define the problem in a way that is acceptable to both parties.

2.If a student does not find resolution through direct interaction with the faculty member in question, the student may appeal to the appropriate program Dean in order to seek to resolve the issue. The Dean will investigate the issue and give a ruling on the matter.

3.If a student, after a good faith effort to resolve a matter, feels that the problem persists to his injury or disadvantage, the student may appeal to the appropriate Academic Policies Committee. That committee will look at the issue and seek to bring resolution to the issue.

4. Should the student feel the issue remains unresolved, the student may submit an official grievance to the Student Advocacy Committee for review. Students may access the Student Advocacy Form through this link: Student Advocacy Form ›. The Student Advocacy Committee is the final court of appeals for the student and their decision is binding.

Non-Academic Grievance Process

If a student on occasion feels that the personal actions by faculty, staff, or fellow students are inappropriate and/or unjustified, the student is encouraged to follow the following steps. The following 3-step grievance process is designed to give biblically-based guidance in resolving a grievance, dispute, or conflict.

1. The student is first to seek to resolve the matter in a specific conference with the faculty member, staff person, or fellow student involved. Careful and thorough attention must be given to achieving a mutual understanding of the perceived problem by determining and agreeing on relevant facts, clarifying perceptions and misunderstandings, and seeking to define the problem in a way that is acceptable to both parties.

2.If a student does not find resolution through direct interaction with the faculty, staff or fellow student in question, the Dean of Students will meet with the student to hear the grievance and take steps to resolve the problem. This meeting shall remain confidential unless legal or protective action is mandated by law. The Dean of Students will work with the student to formulate a plan of resolution. If the student’s grievance is with the Dean of Students (i.e., if it relates specifically to some decision or action by the Dean of Students), then the student may, after unsuccessfully finding resolution in Step one, bypass Step Two and submit an official grievance directly to the Student Advocacy Committee.

3. Should the student feel the issue remains unresolved, the student may submit an official grievance to the Student Advocacy Committee for review. Students may access the Student Advocacy Form through this link: Student Advocacy Form ›. The Student Advocacy Committee is the final court of appeals for the student and their decision is binding.

Midwestern and Spurgeon College seek to be a responsible and redemptive community. In order for this to be true, staff, faculty, and students must accept responsibility to report those actions that might be detrimental to the reputation, well-being, or safety of the Midwestern community or the ministries Midwestern and Spurgeon College serve. Conduct that is unethical or otherwise inappropriate should be reported to appropriate personnel.

Midwestern considers marriage to be a covenant relationship and a healthy marriage to be crucial to any married student’s ministry. Any change in a student’s marital status (marriage, divorce, separation, legal separation) should be reported to the Registrar’s Office. Those students who experience divorce or separation after being approved for admission may be asked to withdraw from classes so that appropriate attention might be given to family needs. After one full year of withdrawal, the student may reapply for admission to Midwestern. Consideration of the student’s application at that time will be based on what has transpired in the student’s marriage and family relationship since the withdrawal.
Opportunities for service in local churches may be more limited for graduates with a divorce than for other graduates. Divorced applicants should explore the realistic assessment of the range of opportunities of service open to them before pursuing training at Midwestern.

Maturity, dignity, and a spirit of deference are expected in every venue of seminary life, marked by mutual respect and courtesy. Appearance and attire, whether seasonal or semi-formal, should be modest and Christ-honoring everywhere on campus.

Electronic Communication
Both academic information as well as information related to the student’s financial standing with the school (i.e., his or her account balance) will be sent only to the student’s MBTS email. The student is responsible for checking his/her MBTS-allocated email account. Even if a student communicates through a personal email account, MBTS will only respond through the student’s MBTS email. The student may annually opt out of receiving any electronic (email) communication from MBTS, choosing instead for all communications to be delivered via USPS, by completing the Opt-Out of Electronic Communication available online and in the Communications Office (816-414-3709).

Local Church Membership
Midwestern serves the church by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and to make disciples of Jesus Christ. As a school supported by the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention, Midwestern affirms the importance and primacy of the local church in evangelism and missions. Therefore, students are expected to participate actively and regularly in a local church. All students should join a local church by the end of their first academic year.
Students are classified as “Southern Baptist” or “non Southern Baptist” based on the church membership information they provide the seminary at the time of their admission. This denominational status is used to determine the tuition rate the student will pay. A student’s denominational status will not change unless the student joins a church of a different denomination. If a student changes church affiliation he/she must report this change on a new Local Church Membership Certification form and return it to the Registrar’s Office by the first day of the semester or term in order for the tuition rate to be reflected in the current semester. The burden of reporting this information is on the student, not Midwestern.

New Student Orientation
All newly admitted students are enrolled in New Student Orientation (NSO). Online students are required to complete the zero credit-hour online NSO course before graduation. All newly admitted online students are required to complete the online course entitled New Student Orientation in the student’s first term. Initial enrollment in the course is free. Students who fail to complete the NSO the first time will be enrolled a second time and charged a $25 fee. Each time students have to retake the course they will be charged this fee.

Continuing students are encouraged to enroll in classes as soon as online registration is open for the next semester. Pre-enrollment gives students the opportunity to schedule classes before they are filled and for the Financial Aid Office to process financial aid. A pre-enrolled student may add or drop classes before the tuition deadline without a penalty. Students should refer to Course Changes (Add/Drop or Withdrawal) in the Academic Information section of this catalog.

Activity and Liability Waiver for Students
Express assumption of risk. As a registered student of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (MBTS) and Spurgeon College (SC), I am aware that there are significant risks involved in all aspects of physical training and activity. These risks include but are not limited to: falls which can result in serious injury or death; injury or death due to negligence on the part of myself, my training partner, or other people around me; injury or death due to improper use or failure of equipment; strains and sprains. I am aware that any of these above-mentioned risks may result in serious injury or death to myself and or my partner(s). I willingly assume full responsibility for the risks that I am exposing myself to and accept full responsibility for any injury or death that may result from participation in any activity or class while at, or under direction of MBTS & SC.
Release. In consideration of the above mentioned risks and hazards and in consideration of the fact that I am willingly and voluntarily participating in the activities offered by MBTS & SC, I release MBTS & SC, their principals, agents, employees, and volunteers from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions or rights of action, which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected with my participation in any physical activities, including those allegedly attributed to the negligent acts or omissions of MBTS & SC. This agreement shall be binding upon me, my successors, representatives, heirs, executors, assigns, or transferees. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, I agree that the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full legal force and effect. If I am a parent, I also give full permission for any person connected with MBTS & SC to administer first aid deemed necessary, and in case of serious illness or injury, I give permission to call for medical and or surgical care for the child and to transport the child to a medical facility deemed necessary for the well-being of the child.

Indemnification. Students recognize that there is risk involved in the types of activities offered by MBTS & SC. Therefore, the participant accepts financial responsibility for any injury that the participant may cause either to him/herself or to any other participant due to his/her negligence. Should the above-mentioned parties, or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, the student agrees to reimburse them for such fees and costs. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless MBTS & SC, their principals, agents, employees, and volunteers from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my negligent or intentional act or omission while participating in activities offered by MBTS & SC, within Mathena Student Center, or abroad. This includes but is not limited to parks, recreational areas, playgrounds, areas adjacent to main building, and/or any area selected for training by MBTS & SC.

Registration in courses constitutes the foregoing assumption of risk, and release of liability, and I understand that by registering for courses, I am obligated to indemnify the parties named for any liability for injury or death of any person and damage to property caused by my negligent or intentional act or omission.

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Expectations

In keeping with the core values of Veritas, Pietas, and Missio, students can expect the seminary to be truthful, faithful, and gospel-minded for and toward students. The seminary commits to know the right way to operate, to be a safe harbor for students, and to do the right thing for the church and for the Kingdom. For the full extent of compliance with federal and state laws and how they affect and serve students, please see Consumer Information at the following link:


Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or status as a protected veteran. The Seminary’s nondiscrimination policy applies to all phases of its employment process, its admission and financial aid programs, and to all other aspects of its educational programs and activities. Further, this policy applies to sexual violence and sexual harassment (forms of sex discrimination) occurring both within and outside of the Seminary context if the conduct negatively affects the individual’s educational or work experience or the overall campus environment. As a protected religious organization, Midwestern Seminary does consider religious faith, practice, and character to be relevant criteria in many educational or employment decisions. Retaliation directed to any person who pursues a discrimination complaint or grievance, participates in a discrimination investigation, or otherwise opposes unlawful discrimination is prohibited.
Any person having inquiries concerning the Seminary’s application of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 or other civil rights laws should contact the Dean of Student’s office.

Student Right to Know
Midwestern Seminary complies with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act). This act requires Midwestern Seminary to collect, prepare, publish, and distribute campus crime statistics and security policies. This information is distributed to all students and employees annually and posted on the Seminary’s web site at or at the Security Office located in the Campus Operations Building or by calling 816- 414-3836.

Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Midwestern supports and endorses the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Pursuant to this Act MBTS expressly prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or unlawful use of controlled substances, including illicit drugs. The use of alcohol as a beverage or the use of illicit drugs by students, whether on or off campus, is prohibited.
The Disciplinary Action section later in this handbook provides details of the sanctions applied for violations of this policy. The entire Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program policy is located on the MBTS website at under Consumer Information, Safety and Health. Copies of the policy can also be obtained from the Student Development Office.

Facilities and Services for Disabled Students
Midwestern is committed to complying with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This Act requires that no qualified individual with a disability will, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of entities services, programs, or activities or be subjected to discrimination by any such entity. Similar obligations are found in Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Students with disabilities are expected to master the fundamental skills and knowledge that are required for their course of study. Students should not expect Midwestern to excuse them from requirements that are difficult but rather should take the necessary steps to ensure that they are getting the help they need to enable them to meet the program’s requirements.
Any student seeking effective auxiliary aids for a current disability is responsible for providing the Admissions Office with timely and adequate documentation of the student’s disability by a medical doctor. Acceptable documentation is a necessary prerequisite for proper evaluation of the reasonableness of a proposed accommodation or modification to the rules, policies, and practices of Midwestern. The Admissions Office can provide the student with guidelines for acceptable documentation of a disability. A medical diagnosis will be part of the documentation processing.
The student is responsible for initiating consideration for accommodations relating to course or degree requirements with the Admissions Office. Based on appropriate documentation and discussion with the student regarding past experiences, the Dean of Students will decide if accommodations are warranted, what accommodations should be recommended, and whether or not MBTS is able to provide the requested accommodations.
Further information is available at the Admissions Office by calling 816-414-3733, or on Midwestern’s web site at

Campus Safety and Security Report
The Campus Safety and Security Report is available on request from the Security office located in the Campus Operations Building or by calling 816-414-3836. Each fall semester the report is posted on Midwestern’s website.
Questions regarding this information may be directed to the Chief of Security.

Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College are committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all members of the community. An important part of this commitment is the provision of comprehensive sexual assault response and prevention resources.
The goal of campus life at Midwestern is to live, work, serve, and worship together as an educational community centered around the Lord Jesus Christ. Along with the privileges and blessings of membership in such a community come responsibilities. The members of the Midwestern campus community take these responsibilities seriously.
One of these responsibilities is to establish and maintain a safe and healthy social environment for all members of the community that honors the Lord Jesus Christ and God’s vision for human sexuality. God’s vision for sexuality affirms the dignity and purity of all persons. Sexual harassment and assault are behaviors outside of God’s vision for human sexuality that cause pain and suffering. They are also unacceptable behaviors that grieve God’s heart and members of the Midwestern community.
Midwestern Seminary takes sexual assault very seriously, and has developed a comprehensive definition and policy related to sexual harassment and assault. We provide resources for prevention, support, education, as well as a fair conduct process to care for the members of our community.
Midwestern’s Title IX Coordinators/Discrimination Complaint Officers are responsible for implementing and monitoring Title IX Compliance on behalf of the Seminary. This includes coordination of training, education, communications, and administration of the Complaint Resolution Procedures for the handling of suspected or alleged violations of this Policy. Reports to the Title IX Coordinator can be made via email, phone, or in person to one of the following persons:

Title IX Coordinator:
Zachary Salsbury | Dean of Students | Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 5001 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64118 | [email protected] | 816-414-3889

Title IX Coordinator for Students:
Beverly White Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 5001 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64118 [email protected] 816-414-3849

Title IX Coordinator for Employees:
Dena Morris Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 5001 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64118 [email protected] 816-414-3890

Midwestern complies with the following: • Title IX • Clery Act and SaVE Act
Please see Midwestern’s policies relating to discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct for further information.

Institutional Review Board
The Institutional Review Board examines all doctoral projects involving human subjects before the project is carried out. The board assesses whether there will be any potential risks or harm to the participants in the project or to the director of the project. Based on its review, the board recommends adjustments, if needed, to safeguard all participants in the study and to make sure the participants are treated in accordance with the high-ethical standards required by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Contact Information – Student Services Representatives

Zachary Salsbury


[email protected]


Branden Preedy


[email protected]