The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is the flagship seminary degree, designed for those who want to be comprehensively equipped with biblical, theological, historical, and practical understanding. Those who complete the MDiv will be equipped for leadership in areas like pastoral ministry, teaching ministries, and further theological education.
MDiv Standard Course List (81 HRS)*
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II
- BS 2200 Elementary Hebrew I
- BS 2201 Elementary Hebrew II
- BS 2300 Elementary Greek I
- BS 2301 Elementary Greek II
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics
- HT 3100 History of Christianity I
- HT 3101 History of Christianity II
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3200 Theology I
- HT 3201 Theology II
- HT 3300 Introduction to Apologetics
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics
- MN 5201 Evangelism
- MN 5006 Biblical Spirituality
- MN 5161 Expository Preaching I: Sermon Prep Practicum**
- MN 5162 Expository Preaching II: Sermon Delivery Practicum**
- MN 5430 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry***
- MS 7011 Missiology
- CE 8345 Biblical Leadership and Administration for the Church
**Female students take CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I in lieu of MN 5161 Expository Preaching I and CE 8111 in lieu of MN 5162 Expository Preaching II
***Female students take CE 8411 Age Group Ministry in lieu of MN 5430 Intro to Pastoral Ministry
Choose one of the following:
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum
- BC 5510 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church
- CM 9100 Biblical Foundations of Worship
The MDiv Standard also requires 9 hours of electives.
MDiv, Biblical Languages
The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree, Biblical Languages Concentration cultivates a Christian lifestyle, offers instruction in classical theological disciplines, and develops ministry skills in biblical languages.
- BS 2203 Intermediate Hebrew I
- BS 2204 Intermediate Hebrew II
- BS 2303 Intermediate Greek I
- BS 2304 Intermediate Greek II
- 3 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
MDiv, Biblical Theology
- HT 3230 Biblical Theology
- HT 3203 Tradition and Scripture
- BS 2203 Intermediate Hebrew I and
- BS 2204 Intermediate Hebrew II OR
- BS 2303 Intermediate Greek I and
- BS 2304 Intermediate Greek II
- 3 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
MDiv, Apologetics and Evangelism
- MS 7016 World Religions
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
- 9 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
MDiv, Christian Theology
- HT 3203 Tradition and Scripture
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- 6 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
MDiv, Christian Education
- CE 8411 Age Group Ministry*
- CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I* and
- CE 8111 Principles of Teaching II*
- CE 8134 Issues in Christian Education
- 3 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
*Female students replace these courses with Elective Hours.
MDiv, Church Planting
Students graduating from the M.Div. degree with Church Planting program will be able to develop a Great Commission perspective that is demonstrated by skills in evangelism, equipping disciples, preaching and teaching, corporate worship, and leadership. They will utilize church planting skills in ministry, and demonstrate the commitment necessary to start healthy, reproducing congregations in a North American context.
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- MN 5409 Christian Leadership Practicum
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum
- MS 7660 Church Planting Leadership Practicum
- MS 7664 Outreach Strategies and Methods Practicum
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
MDiv, Church Renewal
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- MN 5409 Christian Leadership Practicum
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum
- MS 7030 Biblical Foundations of Church Renewal Practicum
- MS 7032 Church Renewal Practicum
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
MDiv, Discipleship
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- CE 8411 Age Group Ministry*
- CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I* and
- CE 8111 Principles of Teaching II*
- GS 1899 Research Capstone*
- 3 Hours of Electives
*Female students replace these courses with Elective Hours.
MDiv, Ministry Leadership
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- MN 5409 Leadership Formation Practicum
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum
- 6 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
MDiv, Missions
- MS 7016 World Religions
- MS 7207 Missionary Anthropology Practicum
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
Choose one:
- MS 7209 Cross-Cultural Communication and Language Learning
- MN 5490 Ministry Stewardship Practicum
Choose one:
- MS 7217 International Church Planting Practicum
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
Choose one:
- MS 7209 Cross-Cultural Church Planting Practicum
- MN 5490 Methods Practicum
MDiv, Preaching and Pastoral Ministry*
The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree, Preaching and Pastoral Ministry Concentration is designed to prepare men called to serve as pastor of a local congregation. The concentration provides a foundation of biblical studies, exposition and ministry skills designed to prepare pastors for service in the local church.
- HT 3230 Biblical Theology
- HT 3203 Tradition and Scripture
- MN 5130 Advanced Expository Preaching
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- 3 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
*Male students only
MDiv, Student Ministry
The Master of Divinity degree, Student Ministry emphasis, cultivates a Christian lifestyle, offers instruction in classical theological disciplines, and develops ministry skills in student ministry.
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- CE 8411 Age Group Ministry*
- CE 8485 Youth Ministry Practicum
- 6 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
*Female students replace these courses with Elective Hours.
MDiv, Ministry to Women*
Purpose: The Master of Divinity degree, Ministry to Women emphasis, cultivates a Christian lifestyle, offers instruction in classical theological disciplines, and develops theoretical understanding and practical skill related to women's ministry.
1) Objectives: In addition to the Master of Divinity degree objectives, students graduating with the M.Div., Women's Ministry concentration will be able to do the following:
2) Demonstrate understanding of the biblical and theological foundations of women's ministry in the local church.
Demonstrate increased skill in the practice and leadership of women's ministries in the local church.
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- MN 5901 Biblical Theology of Womanhood
- MN 5910 Women’s Ministry Practicum
- 6 Hours Electives
- GS 1899 Research Capstone
*Female students only
MDiv, Biblical Counseling
- BC 5501 Biblical Counseling & Psychological Theories
- BC 5511 Biblical Interpretation and Counseling Methods
- BC 5512 History and Theology of Soul-Care
- BC 5513 Biblical Counseling & Emotional Issues
- BC 5514 Addictive Behaviors & Biblical Counseling
- BC 5522 Marriage & Family Counseling
MDiv, Worship Ministries
Midwestern offers the Master of Divinity in Worship Ministries (MDiv-WM) with a primary focus on equipping an individual for specialized leadership in worship ministry. Because we exist to serve the church, this degree is strategically designed to prepare worship students to serve a myriad of local-church contexts by integrating extensive biblical and theological course study with the development of both a theology and philosophy of Christian worship. In addition, students will gain an understanding of and be equipped with the many unique and necessary ministerial and musical skills with which one may oversee, develop, and replicate such ministries.
The MDiv-WM is an extensive graduate degree, and while an undergraduate degree in music is desirable, it is not required nor is it a prerequisite for admission to the degree program. Please note, however, that all incoming MDiv-WM students must show proficiency in fundamental musical skills and will be required to take a short series of *competency tests upon entering the program—scheduled during the week of orientation—in the areas of music theory, conducting, piano, and church-music history, as well as a proficiency in a major musical skill such as singing or playing an instrument. In addition, males desiring to pursue this degree will complete core courses specializing in preaching and pastoral leadership. Females desiring to pursue this degree will be required to take 3 Christian Education courses in place the preaching and pastoral leadership courses.
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics
- HT 3232 Survey of Historical Theology
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3200 Theology I
- HT 3201 Theology II
- HT 3300 Introduction to Apologetics
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics
- MN 5201 Evangelism
- MN 5006 Biblical Spirituality
- MN 5161 Expository Preaching I: Sermon Prep Practicum*
- MN 5162 Expository Preaching II: Sermon Delivery Practicum*
*Female students take CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I in lieu of MN 5161 Expository Preaching I and CE 8111 in lieu of MN 5162 Expository Preaching II
- MN 5430 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry**
**Female students take CE 8411 Age Group Ministry in lieu of MN 5430 Intro to Pastoral Ministry
- MS 7011 Missiology
- CE 8345 Biblical Leadership & Administration for the Church
- CM 9100 Biblical Foundations for Worship
Choose 1 of the Following:
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum
- BC 5510 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
Worship Ministries Core (12 Credits):
- CM 9205 Survey of Christian Worship & Congregational Song
- CM 9401 Worship Ministry Administration
- CM 9403 Corporate Worship Leadership
- CM 9421 Worship Technology
Worship Ministries Practicum (9 Credits):
- CM 9103 Preparing Vocalists for Worship
- CM 9104 Preparing Instrumentalists for Worship
- CM 9565 Integrative Worship Ministry Experience
Applied Music Lessons (3 Credits):
Choose major lesson area from voice, guitar, or piano
(3 consecutive semesters at one (1) credit hr per semester)
Music Ensemble Participation (3 Credits):
3 semesters. Choose from the following:
- CM 9580 Chapel Choir (1 Credit)
- CM 9582 Chapel Band (1 Credit)***
- CM 9583 Voices of Midwestern (1 Credit)****
*** Audition only
**** Audition only/traveling group/both vocalists and
Additional Lessons or Ensemble Participation (3 Credits)
MDiv, International Church Planting
Considering placement with the IMB? Click here for more information.
The Master of Divinity degree, International Church Planting emphasis, is offered in cooperation with the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention. The degree program includes two years of study at Midwestern and two (or three) years of international field-based service and study in cooperation with the IMB (i.e.,“2+2” or “2+3”). Students completing the program qualify for appointment as career missionaries with the IMB without additional stateside ministry experience. The concentration cultivates a Christian lifestyle, offers instruction in classical theological disciplines, and develops ministry skills focused on establishing healthy New Testament churches in international settings.
MDiv-ICP Concentration Outcomes:
MDiv students with the International Church Planting concentration will be able to demonstrate skills necessary to start Baptist churches in international settings.
MDiv-ICP Reverse 2+2 or 2+3 Option:
The MDiv-ICP reverse 2+2 or 2+3 option provides current or former missionary personnel who have served overseas opportunity to receive some credit for their practical experience on their previous experience in the missionary field. To qualify to receive credit under the MDiv-ICP reverse 2+2 or 2+3 option, the applicant must do the following:
1. Complete an accredited baccalaureate degree in biblical or Christian studies and qualify in all other ways for admissions to Midwestern as a degree-seeking graduate
2. Complete a minimum of two years of uninterrupted overseas missionary service with a known or recognized mission organization (preferably the IMB)
3. Complete their assignment overseas in a primarily ministry assignment (church planting, collegiate
evangelism, or general evangelism) and have a field supervisor who can provide a written evaluation of the applicant’s ministry work experience
4. Complete a telephone or personal interview with Midwestern’s international missions professor or other designated official
5. Read the required texts for each course for which credit is sought. To receive credit for missionary field learning experiences, the student must obtain approval from the Director of the ICP program.
Foundational Core (66 Credits)
- BS 2210 Old Testament Survey I
- BS 2211 Old Testament Survey II
- BS 2310 New Testament Survey I
- BS 2311 New Testament Survey II
- BS 2200 Elementary Hebrew I
- BS 2201 Elementary Hebrew II
- BS 2300 Elementary Greek I
- BS 2301 Elementary Greek II
- BS 2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics
- HT 3100 History of Christianity I
- HT 3101 History of Christianity II
- HT 3110 Baptist History
- HT 3200 Theology I
- HT 3201 Theology II
- HT 3300 Introduction to Apologetics
- HT 3400 Christian Ethics
- MN 5060 Evangelism & Discipleship
- MN 5161 Expository Preaching I: Sermon Prep Practicum*
- MN 5162 Expository Preaching II: Sermon Delivery Practicum*
*Female students take CE 8110 Principles of Teaching I in lieu of MN 5161 Expository Preaching I and CE 8111 in lieu of MN 5162 Expository Preaching II
- MN 5430 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry**
**Female students take CE 8411 Age Group Ministry in lieu of MN 5430 Intro to Pastoral Ministry
- MS 7011 Missiology
Choose 1 of the Following:
- MN 5468 Leadership Practicum
- BC 5510 Biblical Counseling in the Local Church
- MN 5450 Applied Ecclesiology Practicum
- CM 9100 Biblical Foundations of Worship
ICP Emphasis (15 Credits):
- MS 7016 World Religions
- MS 7209 Cross-Cultural Communication & Language Learning
- MS 7221 Cross-Cultural Church Planting Practicum
- MS 7217 International Church Planting Practicum I
- MS 7218 International Church Planting Practicum II