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Biblical Counseling

Interested in residential education focused on biblical counseling? Midwestern Seminary now has a way to gain valuable counseling experience — with ACBC Executive Director, Dale Johnson — while you pursue your studies.

The biblical counseling cohort offers select, first-year residential biblical counseling students with the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners while beginning their study of biblical soul care. Students will hear from guest lecturers on a variety of subjects in an environment that promotes discussion and camaraderie while being exposed to various opportunities for additional counseling training through the Center for Biblical Counseling.

The cohort is overseen by Dr. T. Dale Johnson, Jr., the Director of Counseling Programs at Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College. As an added benefit, all Biblical Counseling students receive a 100% tuition scholarship for their year in the program.

Cohort Features

100% Tuition Discount

Start seminary with a 100% discount during your first year of study. All students who are admitted to the Biblical Counseling cohort will receive a tuition discount.

Counseling Observation

Through the Center of Biblical Counseling, this cohort will have the unique opportunity to experience and observe live counseling sessions on-campus. Under the direction of certified counselors, you’ll be able to gain important observation hours in this cohort.

Practical Instruction and Special Guests

Take the principles and theories you learn in the classroom and apply them through case studies alongside classmates. Throughout the semester, special guests will also be joining the cohort classes to provide more learning opportunities.


"This cohort will prepare you to go out and
express your counseling skill to those that are hurting..."

Dr. Dale Johnson

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