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Cost of Attendance

Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College is required to calculate Cost of Attendance (COA) annually in accordance with Section 472 of the Higher Education Act to determine a student’s eligibility for federal financial aid. Cost of Attendance is an estimation of costs that a student may incur as they pursue their degree, but it does not necessarily reflect what a student will pay to pursue their degree.

Cost of Attendance includes direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs are costs charged directly by the school to the student, including tuition, fees, campus housing, and meal plans. Indirect costs are expenses a student may incur to maintain a modest standard of living, but they are not expenses that the student is charged by the school. Indirect costs can include textbooks, gas, car maintenance, plane tickets, groceries, clothing, and personal care items.

If you would like to review our direct costs, please visit our Cost & Aid page. If you have questions about Cost of Attendance after reviewing this page, please contact us at [email protected].

Dependent Undergraduate 9 month COA

Dependent Undergraduate 9 Month COA
Tuition & Fees $10,370
Housing & Food $7,771
Books & Supplies $994
Personal & Misc $1,261
Transportation $2,901
Loan Fees $69
Total $23,366
  • Tuition & Fees is calculated under the assumption of full-time enrollment in 12 credit hours. For COA, the Tuition & Fees portion of the budget is the average of the SBC residential tuition rate and the SBC online tuition rate.
  • The Housing & Food portion of COA is an average of on-campus and off-campus housing rates, in addition to food budget trends for 2023 from USDA. Off-campus housing costs are calculated based upon rent pricing trends from 2023 for the Kansas City Metro area.
  • Personal & Miscellaneous is calculated based upon data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding annual costs for miscellaneous budget items like clothing and personal care. This calculation is approximate and does not definitively constitute what a student may spend on such items.

Graduate 9 Month COA

Graduate 9 Month COA
Tuition & Fees $7,235
Housing & Food $13,449
Books & Supplies $994
Personal & Misc $1,261
Transportation $2,901
Loan Fees $217
Total $26,056
  • Tuition & Fees is calculated under the assumption of full-time enrollment in 9 credit hours. For COA, the Tuition & Fees portion of the budget is the average of the SBC residential tuition rate and the SBC online tuition rate.
  • The Housing & Food portion of COA is an average of on-campus and off-campus housing rates, in addition to food budget trends for 2023 from USDA. Off-campus housing costs are calculated based upon rent pricing trends from 2023 for the Kansas City Metro area.
  • Personal & Miscellaneous is calculated based upon data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding annual costs for miscellaneous budget items like clothing and personal care. This calculation is approximate and does not definitively constitute what a student may spend on such items.

Doctoral 9 Month COA

Doctoral 9 Month COA
Tuition & Fees $7,708
Housing & Food $13,449
Books & Supplies $994
Personal & Misc $1,261
Transportation $2,901
Loan Fees $217
Total $26,529
  • For doctoral students, Tuition & Fees is based upon their selected program of study. Our doctoral programs have differing semesterly tuition and fee charges depending on a student’s chosen program of study. For more information about tuition and fees for each of our doctoral programs, please visit our Cost & Aid page.
  • The Housing & Food portion of COA is an average of on-campus and off-campus housing rates, in addition to food budget trends for 2023 from USDA. Off-campus housing costs are calculated based upon rent pricing trends from 2023 for the Kansas City Metro area.
  • Personal & Miscellaneous is calculated based upon data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics regarding annual costs for miscellaneous budget items like clothing and personal care. This calculation is approximate and does not definitively constitute what a student may spend on such items.

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