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Largest Class in Fusion History Returns from Missionary Service

Posted August 15, 2023 by Brett Fredenberg

KANSAS CITY, Mo—Family and friends gathered in Midwestern Seminary’s chapel on July 31st to celebrate the faithful overseas service of 18 missionary teams in the Spurgeon College Fusion Commitment Ceremony.

This year’s class of Fusion students represented the largest number of teams sent to the nations in Fusion history. This summer, teams served and shared in diverse locations throughout the world, from the jungles of Madagascar and the mountains of Nepal to high-security locations throughout the Middle East. More than 11 countries and 15 cities were the focus of this year’s Fusion assignments.

“I am so grateful for this year’s Fusion class,” said President Jason Allen. “They trained well and accomplished much for the glory of Christ among the nations. The commitment ceremony is a fitting way to end the Fusion year, and I am hopeful for all these students will accomplish for Christ in the years to come.”

“The commitment ceremony is the third and final rite of passage in the Fusion program,” said Eric Odegard, director of Fusion, at the event. “This moment points to a commitment that our young men and women are making to make disciples for the rest of their lives. This is a transcendent cause that we have encapsulated in our motto all year long: so that others may hear and live.”

He went on to explain that the commitment ceremony is designed for two specific purposes. First, the ceremony seeks to celebrate the work students accomplished overseas in some of the hardest locations around the world. Second, the ceremony looks to the future, calling students to a lifetime commitment of making disciples amongst the nations.

To help mark these commitments, each Fusion student received tokens to remind them of all they accomplished throughout the program. The tokens included a flag of the country they served in and a coin commemorating their Fusion training.

Students at each program level—high school, college, and masters—signified their commitment by reciting the Fusion Creed. The Fusion Creed reads as follows:

As a follower of Christ: I am called not to comfort or success but to obedience. Consequently, my life is to be defined not by what I do but by who I am.

Henceforth: I will proclaim His name without fear, follow Him without regret and serve Him without compromise.

Thus: To obey is my objective, to suffer is expected, His glory is my reward.

Therefore: To Christ alone be all power, all honor and all glory, that the world may know. Amen!

Fusion staff then proceeded to review the training and deployment stages in the Fusion program, certifying the hard work and commitment students have previously displayed.

Dean of Spurgeon College Sam Bierig delivered the Precedent of Expectation for the returned Fusion teams.

In his message, he asked students to reflect on the most defining moments of their lives. Sharing from Acts 26, Bierig encouraged students to see their past, their summer, their future, and their Savior.

Looking to the past, he said, “It was not accidental that you went to the people that you went to. It was not accidental that you had the conversations that you had. Nothing was accidental. Your past was preparing you for it. And your past is in His hands.”

He also encouraged students to consider their futures. “If you see your past and see your summer, I also want you to see your future. The question is this: are you going to make disciples just this summer or for the rest of your life? Will you make disciples when it’s difficult and painful, when no one cares and there’s no commitment ceremony, or when no one celebrates you?”

He concluded with a challenge, “It will be a defining moment in your life if you stick to the commitment of making disciples when it is difficult. If you commit to the local church, even when it is painful, you will stick to it. Don’t waste your defining summer.”

Before the ceremony concluded, Dean of Graduate Studies Todd R. Chipman prayed for the Fusion missionary teams. In his prayer, Chipman asked that the commitments made in the ceremony would endure throughout the student’s lives.

For more information about Fusion or to apply to the program, please visit FUSION (spurgeon

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