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Midwestern Journal of Theology features ‘Missions at Midwestern,’ ‘How Old is the Earth?’ and more

Posted April 28, 2023 by Brett Fredenberg

KANSAS CITY, Mo—Midwestern Seminary released its Spring 2023 issue of the Midwestern Journal of Theology on April 28 featuring works by several of the institution’s faculty and theologians across evangelicalism.

The spring edition of the Journal focuses on topics such the importance of grammar for theology, a debate on the age of the earth, missions at Midwestern Seminary, and more.

“I am very proud of yet another great issue of the Midwestern Journal of Theology,” said President Jason Allen. “I want to express many thanks to all of the contributors, and a special thanks to Dr. Michael McMullen and Dr. Blake Hearson for their hard work on this edition of the journal.”

Michael McMullen, professor of church history and editor of the Midwestern Journal of Theology, said, “We are again blessed to publish a rich and varied assortment of articles for this issue, and we are always very grateful to the many articles we receive. It is our joy and privilege to note that the articles in the present issue have all been contributed or co-written by teachers at Midwestern Seminary.”

Midwestern Seminary Research Professor Jason DeRouchie and New Testament scholar Wayne Grudem co-wrote the first article titled, “How Old is the Earth?” In the first section, DeRouchie provided six arguments in support of a young earth perspective. Grudem, on the other hand, said, “I do not think the Bible tells us or intends to tell us the age of the earth or the age of the universe,” and concludes an old earth perspective. Each scholar interacts with and responds to counter arguments for an engaging and thoughtful debate.

In the Journal’s second article, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies Todd Chipman contributed his article, “Participating in the Jesus Drama: Roles in Johannine Discourse.” Chipman shows a framework of interpretation through 1 John and argues that grammar is a guide to theology.

Nicholas Majors, adjunct professor at Midwestern Seminary, authored the third article titled, “Saul as a King-Priest.” From 1 Samuel 9-11, Majors presented a scholarly account of King Saul, arguing for an understanding of Saul as a king-priest who failed to fear or listen to God.

Jason Kees, who serves as a trustee at Midwestern Seminary, wrote the fourth article, “The Magi’s Fulfillment of the Hebrew Bible’s Theme ‘East of Eden.’” In the article, he argued that the story of the magi was designed to fulfill an Old Testament theme. As he said, “The place of origin and direction in which the wise men traveled is a clue not just for their geographic journey but rather to show how these men came from the east and arrived in God’s presence and fulfilled the journey East of Eden.”

The Journal concluded with an article dedicated for the Church, written by Assistant Professor of Missions Joe Allen III titled, “Missions at Midwestern: Why For the Church Means For the Nations.” He spoke to the seminary’s convictions on mission and stated, “Theological education serves the church, which serves the nations, which crescendos in the glory of God… We pray that all of our efforts ultimately result in resounding doxology for the One who is worthy.”

In addition to the scholarly articles, the Journal includes several relevant and thought-provoking book reviews, many of which were written by Midwestern Seminary doctoral students.

Reflecting on the successful production of the spring edition, McMullen said, “I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who have contributed to make this happen. Special mention goes to Dr. Jason Duesing, Provost and Academic Editor, for all his invaluable assistance; to Dr. Blake Hearson for all the time and energy he invests in each issue; and to Mrs. Caitlin Collins for all that she does so patiently and efficiently in the background.”

Midwestern Seminary’s Journal of Theology is available in print version for subscribers. To subscribe, contact the Academic Office at (816) 414-3745 or [email protected].

Additionally, guests may view the issue in its entirety for free on the seminary’s website,

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