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Midwestern Higher Education Relief Fund (HEERF) Update

Posted July 9, 2021 by Staff

Last May 2020, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary received $500,000 in federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economy Security Act (CARES Act) funding with $233,499 designated to provide grants to eligible enrolled students experiencing educational disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The remaining $233,498 was defined as the Institutional portion, and $33,003 was allocated as the Fund for the Improvement of Post- Secondary Education (FIPSE).

In February 2021, MBTS received an additional $948,700 grant through the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA), with $233,499 designated for the continued support of students who have an exceptional need due to COVID-19. Furthermore, CRRSAA broadens the eligibility of funds awarded to students. The remaining $715,201 was designated as the Institutional portion to cover lost revenue, reimbursement for expenses already made, technology costs associated with distance education, faculty and staff training, as well as student support.

As part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, the Seminary received another $1,718,367 of Federal grants in May 2021. Of these funds, $894,620 was earmarked for the continued support of students who have been adversely impacted by COVID-19 while $823,747 was appropriated for institutional use.

As of June 30, 2021, MBTS awarded $356,746 to 195 students. The Seminary also used a total of $948,699 of the Institutional portion and $33,003 of the FIPSE portion to help defray qualified expenses and lost revenues related to the disruption of campus operations due to the pandemic.


Fund Summary as of June 30, 2021:

Designation CARESAct CRRSAA ARP Act Total Used Remaining
Student $233,499 $233,499 $894,620 $1,361,618  $(356,746) $1,004,872
Institutional $233,498 $715,201  $823,747 $  1,772,446 $(948,699) $823,747
FIPSE $33,003 $33,003 $ (33,003
Total $500,000 $948,700 $1,718,367 $3,167,067 $(1,338,448) $1,828,619

Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary/Spurgeon College students who feel they may be eligible and have completed a 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 FAFSA should complete an emergency aid request. When both of these requirements have been met, the institution will review the aid request and distribute funds, if allowable. For additional questions, please reach out to [email protected].