To err on the side of caution and wisdom, the administration has determined that all Midwestern Seminary and Spurgeon College on-campus classes will move 100% to Zoom following the Thanksgiving break for the remainder of the Fall Term (Nov 30 – Dec 11) for remaining class lectures and exams.
Moving to Zoom should be a seamless and easy adjustment given the “Residential Plus” class formatting this fall. All professors are prepared to answer student questions and give direction on what this will mean for each on-campus class.
Further details:
- Classes will continue to meet as they have from now until Thanksgiving break.
- Classes will not meet on-campus in classrooms during Nov 30 – Dec 11. All on-campus classes will meet via Zoom during this time.
- Students may going home for Thanksgiving break and remain at home if they desire for the remainder of the term.
- This does not apply to doctoral seminars.
- This does not apply, obviously, to online classes.
- The Winter term will start and continue as normal meeting in on-campus classrooms and online. Students can still “maximize your Winter Break” and sign up for classes, including a special class taught by Thomas S. Kidd during Jan 4-8. Learn more here.
Should students have further questions, they can contact their professors or our Dean of Students, Dr. John Mark Yeats ([email protected]).