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Why Attend Spurgeon College

Originally published in the Midwestern Magazine, Issue 36

Christ’s church, of course, is rooted in Christ’s historical work in the gospel and tethered to the historical word of the Scriptures, tethered to a long tradition, too, of doctrinal faithfulness. To always be reforming is of course to always be returning to the gospel and the biblical markers of orthodoxy.

With this in mind, it makes perfect sense that the new day for Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s undergrad institution be a renewal of the vision from the “olden days.” To be specific, what was formerly Midwestern College has been renamed and relaunched as Spurgeon College. Why? Because the vision Spurgeon cast in the Victorian age, and the legacy he left afterwards, is a fitting vision for the future of our institution.

That’s the nutshell “why” on the college’s new name. How about the “why” for prospective students? If you’re a high school student looking at what comes next—or a parent or pastor helping one figure that out—here are three simple reasons Spurgeon College ought to be on your radar.

A continued commitment to the Scriptures

One thing that hasn’t changed at Midwestern’s undergrad level is the robust and rigorous devotion to the Bible. Like the Prince of Preachers for whom the college has been named, we are devoted to God’s word and believe it is inspired, inerrant, and infallible. If man cannot live except by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, what would our preparation of young men and women be without rooting them in those very words? Whether a student is preparing for vocational ministry or preparing for the marketplace, Spurgeon College believes the best equipping for the world is a grounding in the word.

A kingdom mindset

One thing hasn’t changed since Spurgeon’s day, and it is this: the temptations to drift from the unchanging word of God are found both in the religious world and out. Spurgeon sought to hold the fort for orthodoxy during the Downgrade Controversy while at the same time seeking to apply the Bible’s vision for God’s rule in the world to social and institutional issues of his day. His was a whole kingdom mindset, and Spurgeon College’s vision of existing For the Kingdom is providing students with the same.

Spurgeon launched a preacher’s college and an orphanage. He preached against doctrinal drift in the church and against slavery in the world. He preached a whole Christ for the whole world, and thus students coming to Spurgeon College ought to prepare to have their whole selves engaged in God’s whole kingdom.

Advanced opportunities

From helping you apply God’s truth to your pursuit of a degree in business or education to preparing you to think through the depths of philosophy or theology, the opportunities to take big steps forward in your life are abundant at Spurgeon College. Our Accelerate degree program allows students to pursue both their B.A. and M.Div. simultaneously in just five years of intensive study. The FUSION process allows students exploring a call to missions to get hands-on and round-the-world experience. The Kansas City metro is a growing and increasingly diversifying mission field. The nations are coming here. The opportunities to grow in your faith while growing in your education are accumulating by the day.

Community spirit

The Spurgeon College campus is warm and engaging. The options for local church membership are numerous and the fellowships are gracious. Profs at Spurgeon College love their students and make ample time for coffees and lunches and informal get-togethers. Kansas City is a fun and vibrant place to live and explore. And if you’re looking for a campus culture that is centered on the gospel and all of its implications, this is the campus you’re looking for. The gracious community spirit is the beating heart of campus life, while the fun fellowships, conferences and concerts, and numerous leadership opportunities keep the place jumping.

The saying goes, “Those who forget their past are destined to repeat it.” We realize the world is changing rapidly, and the demands on ministry and mission are increasing because of it. But we know that the best way of navigating the future is staying connected to past faithfulness while trusting in Christ’s ever-present faithfulness to uphold the universe by the word of his power. As Midwestern Seminary Provost Jason Duesing has said, “The naming of our college for C.H. Spurgeon reflects our joyful mission. For, in the name Spurgeon, we are not only upholding the legacy and core theological commitments of this Baptist theologian and preacher, but we are pointing to what Spurgeon spent his every breath pointing—namely Jesus Christ.” Ultimately, this is the biggest reason to attend. If you’re looking for an educational experience in which Jesus is the center of the entire system, Spurgeon College is for you.

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