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From I.T. to M.Div: Meet William Griffin

Posted March 1, 2018 by Midwestern Seminary

A driven leader with a quiet, reflective demeanor, M.Div student William Griffin has distinguished himself at Midwestern Seminary and College as a key contributor to campus culture and student life. A native of Baltimore, Maryland, Griffin received his undergrad degree from the University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Science before deciding to pursue theological education. We recently sat down with him to ask about his formation and experience at the school.

What drew you to Midwestern Seminary?
I originally moved to Kansas City to pursue an IT career at the Cerner Corporation. While working, I continued to mature in faith and committed myself to serving the local church. Over the years, my pastor noticed my developing spiritual growth, gifts, and character, so he met with me to discuss the call to ministry. I had already felt God pressing me in this direction. I read Discerning Your Call to Ministry by Midwestern president Jason Allen, and the appendix on the topic of seminary especially caught my attention. After doing some research on my educational options, I sought the Lord prayer and fasting. By the grace of God, I applied to Midwestern and was accepted. I resigned my full-time job and I became a full-time student.

You are an integral part of the Student Leadership here and have served as Vice President of the program. What’s that experience been like?
For me, participating in Student Leadership is like being a part of a family of servant leaders who are all dedicated to the advancement of God’s kingdom through spirited campus life and events. I participate because I have a gift for service and I enjoy being involved on campus. The student stipend is helpful, but the biggest reason why I participate is the opportunity to form genuine relationships with others. We do a lot in Student Leadership. We host awesome events and conferences, recruit new students, and work through a leadership book study each semester. Through Student Leadership I have learned, for instance, that I love the experience of Christian conferences and would be interested in organizing and serving at more in the future.

How are your studies shaping you devotionally and spiritually?
Excellent question! When I study History of Christianity, I praise God for Jesus’ salvific imprint on history, the activity of the Holy Spirit, and the advancement of the Church. I approach Old and New Testament Survey as devotion and a way to worship God for his complete and sufficient Scriptures. When I serve in church through the Timothy Track internship program, I learn applied Christian ethics and church administration. So, I let my studies be acts of worship and vice versa: I see worship experiences as educational experiences. My studies at Midwestern have definitely deepened my personal relationship with my heavenly Father.

What has been the most surprising part of your seminary experience?
The most surprising part of my seminary experience was getting admitted! My father is not a pastor, and I did not grow up in a Christian home. I did not go to a Bible college, and I am the first in my immediate family to pursue a graduate degree. I came to faith in the latter half of my undergrad years, and I did not even know what a seminary was until last year! The Lord is full of love and full of surprises. It is only by His grace that I am even able to experience seminary.

What are your plans for after graduation?
Because I am open to wherever God may direct me, I have not solidified any plans yet. I could see myself continuing my education in a doctoral program or pursuing vocational ministry after seminary. Regardless, I am confident that my time spent at Midwestern will prepare me for that next stage in life whatever and wherever it may be.