Website New Bethel Baptist Church
New Bethel Baptist Church is seeking a Bi-Vocational pastor. This position is part time, and hours will vary from week to week. New Bethel is a small country church located south of Charleston, MO and north of East Prairie, MO. We have two worship services, one in the morning and in the evening, Sunday School, and Discipleship Training on Sundays. During the week we also have WMU monthly meetings and Wednesday night services. We try to have at least one outreach and/or fellowship event outside of our normal services at least once a month. Sunday morning worship service attendance varies from 30-40. The church also has a parsonage available on the same property as the church building.
Job Description:
The Pastor of New Bethel is the spiritual leader of the church. He is responsible to the Lord and the church to primarily proclaim the gospel and teach the bible. He is to be engaged in pastoral care, provide supervisory and administrative leadership in all areas of congregational care.
- Organize the pulpit and the Order of Service.
- Perform all responsibilities with a spirit of Christian love and humility as found in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8, Ephesians 4:2, Philippians 2:5 and Titus 3:2.
- Perform the Church Ordinances of Baptisms and the Lord’s Supper.
- Serve as the spiritual leader and overseer of the congregation.
- Proclaim the gospel and lead the church in proclaiming the gospel to the church and community.
- Preach at all worship services or arrange for someone else to preach on Sundays when not available.
- Participate in the church visitation, which includes hospital visitation and any other outreach necessary.
- Serve as moderator of business meetings
- Other pastoral duties may be required and negotiated between the pastor and the church, including funerals and weddings.
- Attend all Trustee, Deacon, and other committee meetings as an ex officio member.
- The Pastor must meet the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3:1-7.
- A willingness to abide by the church covenant, constitution, and bylaws.
- Agreement with the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
- Demonstrated efficacy in preaching and teaching the Word of God.
- Experience as a pastor or in church leadership is preferred but not required.
- Any amount undergraduate or graduate-level studies in Christian studies would be preferred, but none is required for this position.
- Availability on Sundays, Wednesday NIGHTS, and some availability throughout the week as needed.
If interested, please send your resume with contact information to [email protected]