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Minister to Children

Website Harmony Baptist Church

Position Title: Minister to Children

Supervisor:  Lead Pastor

Coach: Worship & Discipleship Pastor

Job Description:

The Minister to Children shall assist the pastors, ministry staff and entire body of Harmony Baptist Church in developing and deploying disciples of Jesus. This includes participating in a process of evangelism and discipleship that reaches, connects, and develops children (birth-5th grade) and their parents, guardians, and families. He or she will minister to the spiritual needs of children, parents, adults, families and volunteers within the Children’s Ministry (birth-5th grade). Additionally, he or she will work to recruit, train, and equip a team of lay volunteers to assist him or her in accomplishing this function.


  • Work approximately 15-20 hours per week
  • Attend all Wednesday pm services and Sunday services
  • Meet with the Lead Pastor quarterly to develop & assess personal & professional goals
  • Meet with Worship & Discipleship Pastor for coaching as deemed necessary
  • Attend Staff Meetings if possible with work schedule
  • Develop evangelistic and mentoring/discipleship relationships with children (birth-5th grade), parents and other Children’s Ministry volunteers
  • Participate in implementing the vision of Harmony Baptist Church. Worship. Belong. Impact
  • Plan & lead a Wednesday night Children’s program
  • Plan & lead a Sunday morning Children’s Church program
  • Recruit & enlist volunteers for Nursery, Children’s Church, Belong, & Wednesday night program in cooperation with assistance from the Worship/Discipleship Pastor
  • Plan and lead quarterly special children’s events focused on the six core goals of evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, worship, service and mission. (Worship. Belong. Grow. Impact.)
  • Plan, prepare, & lead an annual Vacation Bible School or other summer event for children
  • Assist with promotion, internet & social media presence, and communication for the Children’s Ministry
  • Attend activities and events of children in the Children’s Ministry at Harmony


  • A personal, growing relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ
  • Growing in holiness and Christlikeness
  • A calling from God to minister to the children and their families
  • A heart to serve and not to be served
  • A humble, teachable spirit
  • A joyful attitude
  • Positive and loyal attitude toward leadership
  • A team player who cooperates in ministry with other leaders
  • Conscientious and highly motivated to be effective and excellent in serving the Lord
  • Responsible and dependable
  • Above reproach in personal conduct and personal relationships
  • Good reputation with non-believers and those who are unchurched
  • Faithfully attends all Wednesday & Sunday services, including Belong & Discipleship Groups


Proposed Range: $20,800 ($400/week)