Website First Baptist Church, Jackson, TN
Are you a pastor who desires to lead a church in God-centered, Word-driven worship? As the Pastor of Music and Worship, you will have the opportunity to join a team of pastors and lead a thriving music ministry in a church that emphasizes:
Theological truth and expository teaching
A strong, multi-faceted music and worship program centered on congregational participation
Gospel focus and missions involvement
God-centered worship that is both formative and robust
A commitment to God’s glory above all else.
If you would like to learn more about this opportunity:
Watch an example of a typical worship service
Watch our 2023 Christmas Concert
Read the job description
Read our Theology and Philosophy of Music and Worship
If you are interested in applying for this position, please do the following:
Seek the Lord in prayer about this opportunity.
Email the following to [email protected]
– An introductory cover letter expressing your interest in this position
– A résumé with references
Every blessing to you as you seek the Lord.