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Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministries

Website First Baptist Church, Dadeville, AL

ASSOCIATE PASTOR–First Baptist, Dadeville, a dynamic Southern Baptist Church located in the heart of downtown Dadeville, Alabama, is seeking God’s person to fill the position of Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministries. This is a full-time job in a growing church. It comes with a competitive salary. Interested individuals should contact John Wilcox, chair of the search committee, at [email protected], [email protected], or at 256-397-2779. Resumes may be sent to the same email address.

Job Description:

The ASSOCIATE PASTOR FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILY MINISTRIES is accountable to the Senior Pastor for providing assistance, as needed, in the areas of leadership in administration, proclamation, and pastoral care as the church requires. The primary responsibility will be for the development, expansion, and oversight of the Children’s Ministry of the church that meets the spiritual and inspirational needs of children from birth to 6th grade by providing Christ-centered care, teaching and discipling both children and parents, and leading families to an understanding of what it means to be a Christian family. Secondary responsibilities may be added according to areas of giftedness and abilities and as the church has need. This individual will serve under the supervision of the Senior Pastor.


Direct the planning, coordination, operation, and evaluation of a comprehensive ministry to children and their families that meets their needs:

  • Provide leadership and oversight for all aspects of the Children and Families Ministry at First Baptist Church Dadeville so that they can know and follow Jesus Christ.
  • Create and execute a long-term, church-aligned vision for First Baptist Dadeville’s Children and Families.
  • Lead and organize effective programs implementing fellowship, worship, biblical teaching, discipleship, and evangelism, as well as ministry and mission opportunities.
  • Create fun and meaning opportunities for all children and their families to connect and grow together.
  • Provide direction and support for Vacation Bible School, summer day camps, neighborhood Bible clubs, and other appropriate activities for children.
  • Collaborate with the music ministry as it relates to children.
  • Recruit, train, and shepherd volunteers with diverse gifts and personalities that can assist in the ministry.
  • Promote an environment where children feel connected to each other as a church family and where each child is valued and celebrated.
  • Invest in and engage relationally with children and their families.
  • Seek to integrate this ministry into all phases of church life to create a culture that is intentionally intergenerational, striving to unite with and complement other church ministries.
  • Support FBCD parents in effectively fulfilling their Christian parenting roles, in concert with other pastoral staff.
  • Provide biblical counsel and spiritual direction to team leaders, children, and parents on an individual basis as needed.
  • Ensure safe and healthy classroom environments.
  • Keep parents updated on ministry strategies, activities, and plans in a way that encourages partnership and involvement.
  • Provide regular communication to parents about events/activities.
  • Explore and implement outreach events to connect families in the local community to our church community, and foster cross-collaboration between local ministries and area churches.
  • Develop a full year calendar that will accomplish the mission and vision of the Children and Families Ministry as well as complement the mission and vision of the church.
  • Carefully plan (per approval of the Senior Pastor and Finance Committee) and manage the Children’s Ministry budget.
  • Stay current with ministry practices by reading current ministry journals and attending youth leadership conferences.
  • Fulfill other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.

Oversee the staffing and supervision of the FBC nursery:

  • Manage paid nursery staff including timesheets, scheduling, and other associated administrative duties. Supervise volunteer nursery workers.
  • Ensure that the Nursery is adequately staffed and trained and enlist volunteers when needed.
  • Account for the hours worked by the paid staff and approve hours to be submitted for payroll.
  • Create a safe and enjoyable environment in the Nursery while developing rules and procedures of the Nursery program.


  • Must be a U.S. citizen and authorized to work in the U.S.
  • Have an active, personal and growing relationship with God that is revealed in your character and daily life.
  • Can effectively share the Gospel and model it in your life.
  • Affirms the Baptist Faith and Message that Jesus came for ALL to know the saving Grace of our Heavenly Father.
  • Have a sincere Love for children.
  • Must follow the Policy and Procedures Manual and the Constitution &Bylaws of FBC Dadeville.
  • Must be able to maintain good interpersonal relationships with allstaff, the congregation and the general public.
  • Have excellent organizational skills, written and verbal communication skills, conflict management skills and computer and social media skills.
  • Ability to teach Children, to disciple them and equip them to disciple others.
  • Ability to clearly convey a vision and build effective Ministry Teams.
  • Ability to be a mentor, role model and encourager.
  • Ability to maintain strict confidentiality.
  • Ability to organize and promote events through social media, videos, skits and graphics.
  • Ability to work independently, operating with a high degree of professionalism.
  • Ability to handle change with a positive attitude.
  • Ability to self-critique your ministry and make changes if necessary.
  • Ability and willingness to submit to Authority, working under the supervision of the Senior Pastor of FBC Dadeville.


  • Minimum-an undergraduate degree from an accredited college with a strong desire to further their Christian education from an accredited Bible college or Seminary.

Character Traits Desired:

  • Honesty, Loyalty and Integrity
  • Passion for Christ
  • Enjoys laughing and is fun to be around
  • Good communication (verbal & written) & listening skills
  • Ability to receive constructive criticism

To Apply, please provide:

  • Provide a minimum of three References
  • Pass a Criminal Background check
  • Have a Credit Check to determine if there are any issues.
  • Pass a Drug Screening
  • Spiritual Gifts (https://gifts.chutchqrowth.orq/spiritual-gifts-survey)
  • Meyers-Briggs test (