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Counseling and Care Pastor

Emmanuel Bible Church


The Counseling and Care Pastor’s main purpose is “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12), so that Christ may be seen by all!

The primary areas of ministry are counseling and care. This pastor will lead in the implementation of Emmanuel Bible Church’s Philosophy of Counseling and provide primary pastoral care to and direct shepherding of the congregation.

This pastor’s ministry is to be motivated by a growing sense of Jesus’ love in him, extending out to those to whom he is ministering. Shepherding through example will be a prominent characteristic of his ministry.



Pray (8%)

  • Pray constantly, recognizing complete dependence on Jesus, the head of Emmanuel Bible Church.
  • Pray for Emmanuel Bible Church attendees and leaders.
  • Pray for wisdom and direction in the leadership and ministry of Emmanuel Bible Church.
  • Dedicate a day or more to prayer at least once a quarter.


Lead (32%)

  • Provide oversight to the church’s counseling ministry, implementing our Philosophy of Counseling.
  • Participate in staff meetings and Board of Elders Meetings.


Counsel and Care (35%)

  • Provide counseling, especially in crisis situations and for complex issues.
  • Provide pastoral care for individuals and families.


Shepherd (20%)

  • Participate with other pastors in general shepherding…


Preach (5%)

  • Preach two to seven times each year in Emmanuel Bible Church Sunday morning services. This is flexible and dependent on gifting.



The Counseling and Care Pastor is responsible to the Board of Elders, with day-to-day guidance provided by the Associate Pastor of Ministry Oversight and Administration.



This is a full-time position with an expected work week of 40 to 45 hours. The pastor will have two days off each week. Specific days to be determined upon hiring.

The pastor in this position must be willing to be consistently on call for congregational emergency or crisis situations while also appropriately prioritizing his family and his own physical and emotional wellbeing.



The pastor in this position must consistently and continually meet the biblical qualifications for an elder (1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1) and be in agreement with Emmanuel Bible Church’s Absolutes of Scripture, Philosophy of Counseling, Statement on Marriage, and Statement on Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Roles.

The pastor in this position must be a seasoned counselor with significant training in theology and counseling.


Salary and Compensation Range

Salary Range: $62,200 – $83,000

Compensation Range (including health benefits, retirement, ministry expenses): $76,073 – $106,928