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Pastoral Resident

Website Center Baptist Church

***This is a residency through Center Baptist Church in Omaha, NE that offers a defined stipend with an opportunity for further support raising through our conference (Converge).***

Program Objective/End-state:

To prepare and equip aspiring elders/pastors for leadership in the church by providing the foundations for pastoral ministry through mentorship, academics, and practical ministry.

Three core components:

  • Heart: Spiritual Formation
    • Apprentice will be discipled by a sponsor-elder in the church.
  • Head: Academic
    • Apprentice will have weekly readings and writing assignments in various disciplines and meet weekly to discuss with program leader.
  • Hands: Practical ministry
    • Apprentice will serve in a specific area of ministry (based on calling, giftedness, and need), complete a ministry project each year (see project list), and will be given opportunities to teach and/or preach. Other opportunities may include observing elder meetings, accompanying on visits, preparing for church events, leading/facilitating Bible studies.


  • High School graduate interested in pursuing vocational ministry
  • Commitment to join the church and serve for 1 year with possibility for follow-on year
  • Meet the character qualifications of an elder
  • Have recommendation of a pastor where he is a member