Website Carterville First Baptist Church
We are accepting resumé’s for Sr. Pastor. Our church is located in an older city that has been enjoying new growth for the past 7 years. Many new homes have been built and we have experienced new families to come to our church. In 2023 we baptized 21 new believers. Our church began a revitalization process in 2017. It has been slow but the growth has been steady. We had only 20 people on average in 2017, but in 2023 we averaged 78 in Sunday morning attendance and 62 in Wednesday evening attendance. We also have Celebrate Recovery on Friday nights that was averaging 42 in attendance.
We are looking for the next Pastor who can help us continue our evangelistic efforts, but who will also help us to improve our discipleship. This position is for a co-vocational or bi-vocational pastor.
If you are interested in learning more about our church or the Sr. Pastor position, please email questions to [email protected].
If you would like to apply for the Sr. Pastor position, please email your Resumé, along with a video of a recent sermon to [email protected]