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Associate Pastor

Website Calvary Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church in Leavenworth, Kansas is prayerfully searching for our next Associate Pastor. CBC is an Elder-led and Deacon served congregation. At nearly 100 years old, we average over 200 in weekly attendance with a membership of 175.

We are seeking a godly man to join our team! The ideal candidate would exhibit flexibility, patience and have the heart of a shepherd. He would be theologically stout while also pastorally sensitive towards those he leads. His primary responsibility would family ministry, but as an Elder he would have regular opportunity to preach and serve our congregation through pastoral counseling, hospital visits, etc. See the full Position Description for more information.


  • Equip and encourage parents in their role as primary disciplers of their children
  • Recruit and train a team of volunteers to assist in carrying out the vision and strategy of CBC’s family ministry Work with the Senior Pastor to fine tune church wide administration and equip and empower lay leaders with the tools needed to execute their ministry assignment(s)
  • Help integrate students and children into the larger church community
  • Be involved, as able, with students outside of regular ministry events
  • Organize, lead and teach weekly youth group meeting and Sunday School
  • Help coordinate AWANA ministry
  • Oversee weekly children’s church
  • If a part of strategy, organize and lead yearly mission trip and camp
  • Some other preaching and teaching opportunities available
  • Create and work within approved budget
  • Develop and implement family ministry strategy that has clearly defined goals and objectives
  • Attend necessary committee meetings and serve on VBS team
  • Be prepared/able to preach on Sunday mornings as opportunity presents itself
  • Coordinate and oversee special events for the youth ministry
  • Oversee Sunday School staffing
  • Oversee child safety initiatives and processes
  • Manage communications for all youth and children’s ministries
  • Assist the Senior Pastor with church-wide initiatives
  • Create family ministry related tools such as the family worship guide as assigned
  • Manage annual events such as the Awana Leader Training, Awana Parent Orientation, Annual Easter Egg Hunt, etc.


  • As this is an Elder position, he must meet the pastoral qualifications found in Titus 1:6-9; 1 Tim. 3:1-7, as well as the other requirements of the CBC Constitution Article 7 Section 1. This individual is competent to teach, preach, lead, and personally disciple others.
  • Demonstrates a deep personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ. If he has a family, he has proven himself a faithful husband and father.
  • Excels in interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, and gracious Christ-like leadership. This person is a team builder who wins when others win
  • Self-starter who is gifted in family ministry
  • Proven ability to develop and implement mission advancing strategies
  • Some post-secondary education and ordination or license preferred
  • Affirms the Baptist Faith and Message 2000


Position Description