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Senior Pastor

Website Cable Community Church


The pastor is responsible for the overall health and direction of Cable Community Church. In accordance with the purpose, vision, and constitution of the church, he leads with the Church Board to accomplish the Great Commission and the Great Commandment and to implement our goals of evangelizing, making disciples, assimilating new members, worshiping the Lord, and meeting the needs of the community in ministry. He will be responsible for leading worship services, providing pastoral care, and providing insight and direction to additional ministries such as Bible Study and Vacation Bible School.  This is a full-time position with housing available.

Specific Responsibilities:

  • The Senior Pastor is responsible for the weekly church service. This includes, but is not limited to the bulletin, music, announcements, sermon and the ordinances (Baptism and the
    Lord’s Supper). This does not mean the Senior Pastor must execute these responsibilities each week, but rather that they are cared for by a qualified member of the congregation.
  • The Senior Pastor will provide pastoral care including, but not limited to providing counsel, visits to shut-ins, funerals, etc.
  • The Senior Pastor will appropriately provide insight and presence to special ministries such as Christmas and Vacation Bible School.
  • The Senior Pastor will provide direction and as needed content for Sunday School(s) and Bible studies.
  • The Senior Pastor will work in cooperation with the church board to ensure the facilities and grounds are well cared for and maintained properly.