Beech Street First Baptist Church
Beech Street First Baptist Church, Texarkana, Arkansas, a multi-generational congregation, with a 100+ year history is seeking a full-time Senior Pastor.
We are an SBC congregation and a member of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.
Our Senior Pastor will be a man of God, committed to following his call to shepherd a congregation and prepare God’s people for works of service. He should be a bold, Spirit-led, in-depth teacher of the Word, dependent on prayer, and a servant leader. He should be confirmed by a body of believers through ordination of like faith and order
Our Senior Pastor is expected to:
- Lead our congregation, proclaim the Gospel of Christ
- Provide leadership for ministerial team
- Meet the biblical qualifications of a pastor found in 1Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9
- Be in full agreement and compliance with the doctrinal statements of the SBC Baptist Faith and Message 2000
Please send Resumes to: [email protected]