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Website Bald Eagle Baptist Church

Bald Eagle Baptist Church
Port Matilda, PA

Employer Description: Independent Baptist Church that exists to glorify God by
participating with Him in building Kingdom Communities of Gospel-centered people.

Job Title: Pastor

Hours: (Full Time/Part Time): Full Time

Salary:  $48k/yr

Job Description:
Though from Scripture it is evident the church should have a plurality of elders, it is
clear that some were devoted primarily to preaching and teaching (1 Tim. 5:17). This
individual shall meet the qualifications outlined for elders (the terms pastor, elder, and
bishop being synonymous) in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9.
The pastor shall be called to minister to the flock for an indefinite period of time, which
shall begin at the time he assumes his duties.

In addition to the general duties of elder, the pastor shall:
• Preach and teach the entire Word of God at the stated services of the church
• Administer the ordinances
• Visit the sick, infirm, and distressed of the flock
• Serve as chairman of the board, and act as a nonvoting member of all other
church committees and panels
• Arrange for all special services in cooperation with the board
• Moderate all board meetings and church business meetings, except when the
business concerns him personally, or when he may be absent (at such times, the
vice-chairman shall preside overstated meetings)

Duties of elder:
• The elders shall be examples of godliness to the church and the community.
• They shall care for the spiritual welfare of the church members.
• As shepherds to the whole flock, they shall promote the spirit of unity and
Christian fellowship within the body.
• They shall serve in a ruling capacity, in love and gentleness encouraging,
building up, and admonishing the faithful.
• They will be entrusted with the teaching and instructing of the Lord’s people, and
in the pastor’s absence, arrange for pulpit supply.
• They shall arbitrate disputes between church members, and when necessary,
oversee the proper administration of church discipline.
• They shall assist in the administration of the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:28-30; Eph
4:11-16; 1 Tim. 3:1-7, Heb. 13:17, 24; I Peter 5:2-3).
• In cooperation with the deacons, the elders shall act, when necessary, as a
general pulpit committee, until one can be appointed.
• They shall also, with the deacons, review for approval all who fill the pulpit in the
pastor’s absence.
• In cooperation with the deacons, the elders shall be responsible for oversight of
the church finances, and the raising and appropriation of funds.
• They shall oversee the general operation of the church, and keep the trustees
informed concerning necessary repairs, maintenance, and other issues
concerning church property.

Requirements: Resume, Cover Letter

How to Apply: Email Daniel Hannon at [email protected]