Website Request Form
Do you have an edit to a Midwestern Seminary web property or do you need a page built?
Please complete the form below to make us aware of your web edit or need.
Submitting this form is the official way to ask for web development services. We will consider your request in light of our limited contract hours with our third-party web team and other institutional priorities. While we try to accommodate as many requests as possible, filling out this form is not a guarantee that your project will be approved. After you complete the website project request form, our team will follow up with you within a week of project submission.
If your project is approved, please note the following estimated completion times based on the nature of the project:
- New page build: Estimated 6-week completion time
- Text update to an existing page: Estimated 1-week completion time
- Design update to an existing page: Estimated 3-4 weeks completion time
- Broken link: Estimated 1-week completion time
- New custom web feature: Estimated 4-6 weeks completion time
- Other: To be determined
If you notice an issue on the website that requires immediate attention, i.e. a broken top-level page, a broken link on an important page, a problem with the homepage, etc., please email [email protected] and copy Chesed Chipman ([email protected])