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Midwestern Journal of Theology’s fall edition released

Posted December 15, 2021 by Michael S. Brooks

Midwestern Seminary released its Fall 2021 issue of the Midwestern Journal of Theology on Dec 3, featuring assorted works from members of the school’s faculty.

The fall edition includes a brief note on the ongoing scholarly work at Midwestern Seminary’s Spurgeon Library and articles addressing theological topics ranging from a biblical theology of global missions, the Apostle Paul’s approach to preaching, salvation and the impeccability of Christ, Christ “becoming poor,” and the interpretive structure of Romans 6:1-14.

The issue’s penultimate article, written by Samuel Parkison, assistant professor of Christian theology at Spurgeon College, offers a theological meditation on the “riches” and “poverty” of 2 Corinthians 8:9. In the article, Parkison argues that in becoming “poor,” Jesus Christ suffered no loss of his eternal richness.

President Jason Allen said of the Journal’s recently-released edition, “This issue of the Midwestern Journal of Theology will benefit many within the theological academy and the church more broadly. Dr. Michael McMullen has done an outstanding job of curating the Fall 2021 issue, and we could not be more thrilled for its publication.”

McMullen, who also serves as professor of church history at Midwestern Seminary, noted his excitement for the fall iteration of the journal, citing the unique opportunity to showcase the scholarly contributions of Midwestern Seminary faculty members.

The MJT’s selections begin with a note from Geoffrey Chang, curator of the Spurgeon Library and assistant professor of church history and historical theology at Midwestern Seminary, updating readers on recent developments at the Spurgeon Library. Chang’s note details a collection of the famed Baptist preacher’s personal letters, a recent acquisition donated to the library by the late Gary Long, a former pastor in Springfield, Mo. and former president of Particular Baptist Press.

The first essay, entitled “By the Waters of Babylon: Global Missions from Genesis to Revelation,” is from Jason DeRouchie, research professor of Old Testament and biblical theology at Midwestern Seminary. In the piece, DeRouchie traces the theme of evangelistic missions through the entire biblical narrative, from Genesis to Revelation. DeRouchie contends that though Christians live today in the “kingdom of Babylon,” we are called to participate in the ongoing work of making disciples of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

DeRouchie’s article is followed by a piece from Todd Chipman, entitled “Preaching Paul’s Points: Systemic Functional Linguistics of ἄρα οὖν and Sermon Preparation in Romans.” Chipman serves as dean of graduate studies and assistant professor of biblical studies at Midwestern Seminary. In his essay, Chipman addresses the tendency of preachers to allow their varying life circumstances to influence the interpretation and preaching of biblical passages. Chipman argues the grammatical and lexical features of biblical texts signal what a preacher’s primary emphasis should be in preaching.

The next essay in the issue is entitled “Ontic Assurance: The Soteriological Significance of Christological Impeccability.” In it, Ronni Kurtz, assistant professor of Christian studies at Midwestern Seminary, seeks to mend the growing gap in scholarly perception between the “person” and the “work” of Jesus Christ, particularly with regard to salvation. Kurtz employs the doctrine of Christ’s impeccability as a test case for his argument, writing, “The ontic reality of Christ’s impeccability aids the functional work by rooting soteriological assurance in ontological necessity.”

The closing essay, from Rudolph Gonzalez, is entitled “Romans 6:1-14: The Case for a Chiastic Q & A.” Gonzalez, who serves as assistant professor of biblical studies and assistant director of the Spanish Ph.D. program at Midwestern Seminary, offers extended argumentation for a chiastic reading of the Romans passage. According to Gonzalez, the passage reads similar to a question-and-answer session, and the import of one’s conclusion matters for one’s theological interpretation of Paul’s overall message.

In addition to the scholarly articles, readers will find several relevant and thought-provoking book reviews, many of which are written by Midwestern Seminary doctoral students.

Midwestern Seminary’s Journal of Theology is available in print version for subscribers. To subscribe, contact the Academic Office at (816) 414-3745 or [email protected].

Additionally, guests may view the issue in its entirety for free on the seminary’s website,

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