KANSAS CITY, Mo., (MBTS) – Midwestern Seminary will be represented by 36 faculty members and current Ph.D. students as they present scholarly papers, moderate sessions, and participate in panel discussions at the 73rd annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in Ft. Worth, Texas on Nov. 16-18. The theme of this year’s meeting is “Wealth and Poverty.”
“At Midwestern Seminary, we have an opportunity to invest in the next generation of pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders for service in the local church,” said Jason Allen, Midwestern Seminary’s president. “High-level scholarship is a top priority for our institution, and the ETS annual meeting offers a great opportunity to showcase our work in this regard.
“At ETS, our faculty and many of our brightest Ph.D. students are given an opportunity to present their latest research, interacting with the most significant issues affecting today’s theological landscape.”
Midwestern Seminary Provost Jason Duesing added, “The number of ETS participants representing Midwestern Seminary continues to grow each year, and it speaks to the diligence of our faculty and the quality of our Ph.D. program. We could not be more pleased with the representatives Midwestern Seminary has presenting papers and serving in other capacities at this year’s ETS annual meeting.”
The Presentations
Midwestern Seminary professors and students taking part in the meeting and their topics are as follows:
— Matthew Barrett (associate professor of Christian theology): The Doctrine of God is at Hand: An Evaluation of Evangelical Attempts and a Proposal for the Future; moderator, Classical Theism: Revision or Resurgence; respondent, Hermeneutics: The Canon and Biblical Interpretation
— Alan Branch (professor of Christian ethics): Vaccines Developed from Abortion-Derived Fetal Cell Lines: Complicity with Evil?; moderator, Bioethics
— Daniel Brueske (Ph.D. student): “Ransom for Many”: Mark 10:45 as a Key to the Second Gospel
— Trevor James Cartwright (Ph.D. student): How Luther and Wesley found Assurance of Justification and Sanctification in the Lord’s Supper
— Geoffrey Chang (assistant professor of church history and historical theology; curator of the Spurgeon Library): Becoming C. H. Spurgeon: New Insights into the Formative Influence of Spurgeon’s Early Years
— Todd Chipman (dean of graduate studies; assistant professor of biblical studies): Preaching Paul’s Points: Systemic Functional Linguistics of ἄρα οὖν and Sermon Prep in Romans
— Dustin J. Coleman (Ph.D. student): The Influence of the Old Testament on Mark’s Resurrection Theme
— Jason DeRouchie (research professor of Old Testament and biblical studies): The Biblical Covenants in Salvation History: How They Progress, Integrate, and Climax in Christ
— David Dickenson (Ph.D. student): Paul’s Emphatic Thanksgiving: 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 as Indirect Rebuke
— Jason G. Duesing (provost and professor of historical theology): An Assessment of a Magnum Opus: James Leo Garrett Jr’s “Baptist Theology” as a Gift to 21st Century Baptists
— Joseph D. Garner III (Ph.D. student) – A Social Theology: E. Y. Mullins on Poverty and the Social Gospel; moderator, Church History: 18th-19th Century
— Catherine C. Garrison (Ph.D. student): Poverty and Abortion: Applying Biblical Principles of Justice, Compassion, and Sanctity of Life
— Radu Gheorghita (professor of biblical studies; director of Romanian doctoral program): Intertextuality in the Hebrew and Greek Textual Traditions. The Psalter as Test Case
— Corey W. Johnson (Ph.D. student): The Rise and Fall of Keach’s Catechism: The Disappearance of Catechism in Baptist Churches
— Ronni Kurtz (assistant professor of Christian studies): Denouncing Divine Changelessness: A Taxonomy of Denials and Deviations of Divine Immutability
— Joseph Lanier (Ph.D. student): The Eternally Generated A Se Son
— John R. Lee (associate professor of New Testament): “Ransom for Many”: Mark 10:45 as a Key to the Second Gospel
— Thorvald Madsen (dean of doctoral studies and academic initiatives; professor of New Testament, ethics, and philosophy): You Will Never Finish the Towns: Matthew 10:23 and the Son of Man’s Return
— Nathan Miller (Ph.D. student): Sinning Simply: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit as a Trinitarian Transgression
— Matthew C. Millsap (associate professor of Christian Studies): Playing with FIRE? Financial Independence and Early Retirement in Christian Perspective
— Michael D. McMullen (professor of church history; editor of the Midwestern Journal of Theology): A Critical Re-Assessment of the Motives and Methods of the Philanthropy of the Clapham Sect
— Travis Montgomery (assistant dean of online studies; assistant professor of Christian studies): “I Will Be His God, and He Will Be My Son”: The New Testament Use of the Covenant Formula
— Phillip T. Ort (Ph.D. student): A Statistical Text Type Study of the Biblical Paleo-Hebrew Qumran Scrolls
— Sung Jin Park (dean of Asian studies and associate professor of biblical studies): Moderator, Wealth and Poverty: Old Testament III
— Samuel G. Parkison (Ph.D. student): Poverty and Processions: A Non-Kenotic Reading of 2 Corinthians 8:9
— Jacob Rainwater (Ph.D. student): A Sub-Trinitarian Covenant?: The Covenant Of Redemption and Divine Simplicity
— James A. Roh (Ph.D. student): Exploring John’s Concept of Shame in the Fourth Gospel
— Eric Roseberry (Ph.D. student): Laodicea as Ephraim: The Influence of Hosea 11-14 on Revelation 3:14-22
— Tamra J. Sanchez (Ph.D. student): Rich Man, Poor Man, Wise Man, Fool: Solomon’s Ironic Testimony in Ecclesiastes
— Patrick Schreiner (acting director of Ph.D. Residency program; associate professor of New Testament and biblical studies): A Gendered Reading of the Eunuch in Acts 8; respondent, Hermeneutics: The Canon and Biblical Interpretation
— Matthew Swale (Ph.D. student): Needy Israel and the Warrior: Rhetorical Analysis and Psalm 68’s Allusions to Judges
— Brad Swygard (Ph.D. student): My Thoughts Are Not Your Thoughts But They Should Be: An Exegesis of Isaiah 55:8
— W. Tyler Sykora (Ph.D. student): We Don’t Fully Understand Their Misunderstanding: Mark 6:48-50 from a Greco-Roman Perspective
— Champ Thornton (Ph.D. student): Moving Beyond the Bible? The OT’s Use of the OT as Warrant for Contextualizing NT Texts
— Rustin Umstattd (assistant dean of doctoral studies; associate professor of theology and ministry): Baptism and Evangelism: A Call to Correct Evangelistic Tools that Omit or Downplay Baptism
— Tom Wadsworth (Ph.D. student): The Shift: How the Early Church Evolved from House Meetings to Temple Worship