On 5 November, 2021, Kansas City rescinded the Covid-19 Emergency Order for our city. This releases our campus community from any Covid mask restrictions. The action is based upon CDC guidance that states individuals who have been vaccinated no longer need to wear a mask.
What does this mean for our community?
- You no longer need to wear a mask on the campus of MBTS. Per Kansas City’s guidelines, mask wearing is no longer required. The CDC’s policies continue to stress that if you are not vaccinated, your interests may be best served by wearing a mask. As an institution, we encourage you to review the CDC’s guidance on the pandemic.
- Vaccinations are not mandatory, but highly encouraged. Vaccinations are available readily in the community, are free of charge, and will help reduce your risk of contracting Covid-19.
- We should still expect persons on our campus to choose to wear a mask. There could be a host of reasons why a student or employee may choose to continue to wear a mask. We will respect those choices as an institution. For individuals still needing to utilize a mask, please follow the CDC guidelines relating to masks which can be found
- Continue to practice good hygiene. Hand washing is so important to prevent many illnesses. We will continue to leave hand sanitation stations around the campus to encourage ongoing safe practices.
As we move forward out of the Covid-19 pandemic, we continue to utilize wisdom, charity, and grace to one another as we serve each other in this way (Phil. 2:1-4). We understand the importance of adhering to the instructions from the authorities (Rom. 13:1-2) and will continue to monitor the recommendations of the CDC and the instructions from the Kansas City, MO Health Department.
Updated: November 5, 2021