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Midwestern Seminary offers overloaded pastors recorded sermon resources during pandemic

Posted April 20, 2020 by John L. Inman, III

In light of the numerous challenges facing pastors near and abroad during the Coronavirus crisis, Midwestern Seminary is offering a variety of recorded sermons, preached in recent semesters by the school’s faculty and staff, for overloaded pastors to use.

The sermons include a variety of speakers including President Jason Allen, and faculty members H.B. Charles, Jr., Jared C. Wilson, Owen Strachan, and Jason DeRouchie among others. The sermons, which can be accessed at, are available to stream or download.

Allen said as he thought of pastors, who are being overloaded with new, stressful demands being placed on them because of this unprecedented crisis, it caused him to think of ways MBTS could serve them. One of the ways was through the incredible resource of gifted preachers and solid messages regularly preached by Midwestern’s faculty and staff.

Explaining how Midwestern Seminary has been richly blessed by God with a “stellar faculty and incredible resources across the board,” Allen said offering these resources “is a small, but strategic, step for us to assist pastors in this hour of need.”

Having served in ministry for over 20 years, with 10 of those as pastor or interim pastor at various Southern Baptist churches, Allen said he understands the unique situation local pastors are facing.

“I know all the challenges and opportunities associated with pastoring a local church,” he explained. “During this season, when pastors are having to juggle a host of responsibilities and manufacture a host of adaptations in light of the Coronavirus, my heart goes out to them.”

He added that these pastors are also carrying the very real pastoral weight of church members who are often sick, know others that are sick with COVID-19, or who, just in general, are fearful of the same. “By offering these sermons, perhaps we can offer encouragement, alleviate some of the stress they’re enduring, and offer them an oasis of hope and rest during this incredibly trying season.”

One local minister, who is dealing with a unique form of this pastoral weight, is Ioan Veres, pastoral assistant at Eagle Heights Baptist Church in Kansas City, Mo. Veres is also a student and on staff at MBTS.

He shared that the Coronavirus has brought significant challenges to his local church. Meeting for worship, Bible study, fellowship, and lowered offerings represent some of the areas affected by the spread of the virus.

“As pastors,” he said, “we are not immune to anxiety and stress. However, in these troubled and uncertain times, we know that God reigns supreme over his universe, and his reign will never end.”

Veres added that he sees the benefit the sermons can provide for pastors who might be overburdened and in need of pulpit-supply; however, due to the restrictions and disruptions of the Coronavirus, they cannot find the help they need.

“I believe the resources offered by Midwestern serve as an instrumental support for pastors and ministers,” Veres said. “These excellent sermons represent a Christ-centered, God-glorifying means by which Midwestern Seminary can minister to our churches and edify our families.”

The resources provided by Midwestern, he continued, “can be successfully used in case pastors need to take a Sunday off, for small group Bible studies, for youth groups, or for our families.”

In keeping with Midwestern Seminary’s mission of being “For the Church,” Allen said the institution is continually intentional about “serving churches large and small.”

He added, “This thought process definitely animated us during this particular initiative, as we began asking ourselves all the different ways we can stand in the gap for pastors and churches during this season of disruption.”

Churches having any questions about accessing the sermons can reach out to Midwestern Seminary’s Audio/Visual team at [email protected].

John L. Inman, III is a Ph.D. student and special contributor to the office of institutional editor at Midwestern Seminary

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