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Midwestern Journal of Theology’s Fall Edition Released

Posted December 6, 2018 by Staff

Midwestern Seminary’s Academic Division released its Fall 2018 issue of the Midwestern Journal of Theology on Dec. 6, featuring five scholarly articles covering topics such as an analysis of Colossians 3:5, a study of letters penned by John Newton to William Wilberforce, and a lecture on the conversion of the revered British preacher, C.H. Spurgeon.

President Jason Allen said of the Journal’s recently-released edition, “Dr. Michael McMullen continues to excel in compiling compelling articles for this top-notch journal. Our goal at Midwestern Seminary is to support and serve the local church in every way possible, and the MJT does so by providing insightful and beneficial scholarly articles for its readers.

“Dr. McMullen has coordinated with scholars from within Midwestern Seminary as well as throughout the SBC, and beyond, to bring MJT readers the finest quality articles that we hope will be beneficial to them in their ministries and personal lives.”

Journal editor Michael McMullen, who also serves as Midwestern Seminary’s professor of Church History, said that this issue of the MJT seeks to present some of the most up-to-date scholarship covering a broad range of topics.

This issue of the MJT begins with an article from Midwestern Seminary’s Fall 2018 Faculty Address, as delivered by recently-retired, longtime faculty member, Alan Tomlinson. In the article, Tomlinson delves into Colossians 3:5, exploring the topic “An Evocative Vocative: Members (of Christ’s Body) upon the Earth.” Within the essay, Tomlinson explains his justification for interpreting “the members upon the earth,” within Colossians 3:5 as relating to the authority of Christ.

McMullen said that the edition’s keynote article is by David G. Norman, Jr., who is an adjunct faculty member at Midwestern Seminary. His article is entitled, “The Diminishing Influence of John Owen upon Andrew Fuller.”

“Dr. Norman’s essay is a very helpful assessment of John Owen’s influence upon the ministry of Andrew Fuller,” McMullen said. “In this essay, Dr. Norman expertly depicts how Fuller—once highly esteeming Owens’ doctrinal views of the atonement—developed his own stance on the issue and depended less-and-less upon Owen’s theological thought.”

Lastly, and in a regularly occurring segment within the MJT called “From the Spurgeon Library,” Jason Duesing, Midwestern Seminary’s provost, is featured via an article entitled, “The Conversion of C.H. Spurgeon: A Lecture.” Duesing’s lecture took place during Midwestern Seminary’s United Kingdom Study Tour in the summer of 2018 at the Artillery Street Evangelical Church in Colchester, England. This was the meeting house where C.H. Spurgeon underwent his conversion. The lecture explains the events leading up to and including Spurgeon’s regeneration that fateful Sunday in 1850.

Other articles within the Journal’s latest edition include:

“Infinite Domain: No Man’s Sky and the Cultural Mandate” by Matthew C. Millsap, assistant director of Library Services and assistant professor of Christian Studies at Midwestern Seminary. In this piece, Millsap argues that the video game, No Man’s Sky, is so phenomenally popular because of its correlation to the cultural mandate found in Genesis 1:26-28.

“A Double Portion of My Thoughts and Prayers: John Newton’s Letters to William Wilberforce,” by Marylynn Rouse, who is an author and noted John Newton scholar. McMullen explained that this article, which details correspondence of support and encouragement from John Newton to William Wilberforce, is a cutting-edge piece that presents a great deal of previously unpublished information.

In addition to the scholarly articles, readers will find several relevant and thought-provoking book reviews.

Midwestern Seminary’s Provost, Jason Duesing, commented that, “This issue of MJT provides something of interest for readers across a range of themes and topics. Dr. McMullen has assembled and edited quality contributions, and I remain grateful for his work and for all those willing to contribute their scholarship ‘for the Church.’”

Midwestern Seminary’s Journal of Theology is available in print version for subscribers. To subscribe, contact Academic Office at (816) 414-3745 or [email protected].

Additionally, guests may view the issue in its entirety for free on the seminary’s website,

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